I got a "Bad PDF, error in processing fonts, bad Type0 font [2]" error

Happy Hopping

Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 1, 2004
So I got a star trek novel in PDF, and I plan to view it on my tablet. So I need to bookmark the page that I finish off reading. As such, I convert it to RTF, and I end up having a lot of little "square".

So I use another online converter, same thing. I then try 2 more online converter, they all got those squares

So I then use Adobe Professional and do a "SAVE as", and I try DOC, RTF, etc. I got the above error

do a search on line, there is no good soln. : https://community.adobe.com/t5/acrobat-discussions/unsupported-type2-font/td-p/5157402

If there is no solution to the RTF conversion, is there a software that can view PDF and allow you to bookmark the page?
thank you very much. It works. I hope my finger can touch the "add bookmark" icon on my tablet