I finished Oblivion last night :(


Jan 28, 2001
Well, i'm done with my favorite game.

It was fun but too easy in the end.

I was only level 14.

What's up with that??

Now what do I do - i guess I have to return to real life :(
You mean the main storyline or everything?

If your only lvl 14 your missing out on a lot of things to fight.
i cant even bring myself to get into it....Im like level 2....i donno...im sure others love it, i just cant get into it at all lol I'm not into the whole "no technology" thing either....a horse and a sword? er...gimme somin else
Circuitbreaker8 said:
i cant even bring myself to get into it....Im like level 2....i donno...im sure others love it, i just cant get into it at all lol I'm not into the whole "no technology" thing either....a horse and a sword? er...gimme somin else

It's slow in the beginning. As soon as you find the first really cool quest, and get hold of your first really cool weapon, you're hooked. A sword all the time would be boring, but blowing zombies to shit with an enchanted fire staff livens things up.

To the OP, sounds like you rushed through it to much. Just make a new character, with new attributes, and start again.
yeah it's a fantastic game, but it might not be for everyone. As far as technology goes, I do kind of miss the Dwemer ruins from Morrowind. Lots of steam powered stuff and even robots to smash! :D To the op: you should join a guild and do some more quests. And if you haven't, you absolutely must join the Brotherhood and do that series of quests. Even if your character is a goody-goody, make a new one and just do the Brotherhood quests. You can't say you've finished the game until you've done that :p

Though, if you've lost interest in the game, then that's that I guess.

Hmm now that I've thought of the Dwemer, it makes me wish that Bethesda would make a game in the past about them. There's a lot of mystery surrounding them and all their steam technology could be a really cool setting.
The new character improvements such as new weapons/armor/spell-capabilities keep me playing.
Although the game is obviously meant to be played how ever you like, finishing at level 14 is probably rushing things a bit. My first run through I was level 29 at the end and thought I did a lot of cool stuff. I have since made an exact opposite character and am on my second run though... level 32 and I only just took kavatch back. And too think I still have dozens of undiscovered quests, not to mention the ~20 sitting 'pending' in my quest log :)

If you liked the game, try another run through... talk to everyone in all the towns, adventure through the wilderness a bit. See a stream? Follow it to the end... get nirnroot, enter mines, find obscure Inn's, etc. the game is all about exploring!
I'm level 45 and all I have left to do is finish the main quest... :(
The mage in Paradise Cove was taunting me as I was hunting him down.

He was saying all this sh1t to me as though he was some sort of god.

When I finally found him, he fell quickly.

I was hoping for a better battle.
ALT+F4 said:
thanks for the blog we really care
^^^ Jackass.....


I'm not sure if I should do the main quest now (I'm a lvl 18 mage) or wait until I'm a lvl 20 mage to do it. I might start doing alot more side quests after I finish the Fighters' Guild.
Actually I was level 13 - not 14 when I finished the main quest.

I'm listener of the Dark Brotherhood.
I'm the Gray Fox of the Thieves Guild
I'm just Associate of the Mage's guild
And I'm some high ranking member of the Fighter's Guild.

I killed Umbra when I was lvl 12 and got the Umbra sword and her armor.
you should level up a lot more and get all the best weapons and armor... there is nothing more satisfying than shooting a fireball with area effect damage and watching it send 5 guards flying like 10 feet, killing them instantly...
Calis said:
someone has issues


just a little.
anyway i tried to go through only doing a guilds quest at a time, but a friend who plays it on 360 told me to wait until you lvl up a little bit from where im at (lvl 13). in order to get better stuff. any truth to this?
ill never finish mine. im gonna sell it for top spin 2 or something. the game was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy overhyped to me. doubt it was cuz i played on the 360 tho.
Hello, LordBritish. I assume you have played Ultima 9, and i would like your opinion on how Oblivion compares to it. I ask because the last RPG I played was Ultima 9, and I am getting ready to start Oblivion when the patch comes out next week. Thanks
I liked Ultiima 9 but Oblivion is way better.

But nothing beats Ultima II, III.
Haha, Ultiima 6 was cool too.
Hated Ultima 8.

Damn, i'm getting old - hahaha.