I cannot update my P4C800-E Mobo Drivers, Help!


Limp Gawd
Dec 24, 2003
For some reason I am not able to update my motherboard drivers. I am using the latest Asus Autoupdate program, and when I start it, connect to the internet, and download the bios it goes to where it is about to flash them. Well it says it cannot flash them because it cannot detect my old bios...It shows no version number or anything. This is my first computer, so I am not sure what is wrong. Thanks for any help.
Your contradicting yourself. You said you can't update the mobo's drivers, and then your complaining about the BIOS flash not working. Which is it? If it's the BIOS, screw the auto update crap and just do it manually. Make a bootable floppy, put the flash program and the BIOS on the disk, and flash it.
Your *chipset* drivers should be easy to update. Just download the most recent and install.

To flash the *BIOS* on that mobo, you can make a bootable floppy and do it following the directions in the user manual. There is more than one method of doing it. Pick whichever seems easier to you. I had to clear the CMOS first when I did mine initially after building the PC.

Here's the most recent stuff:
http://www.asus.com/support/download/item.aspx?ModelName=P4C800-E Deluxe&Type=Latest