I bought RAGE...and...


Jan 2, 2008
Honestly, they must've fixed it, because what I expected going in was going to be a hilarious mess of missing textures and environments that build up like a broken version of what Unreal Engine games do( you know crappy textures that pop into high res automagically). I expected it to work OK on my nVida Set up and be unplayable on my Radeon set up. Man, what was supposed to be a 5 miniute play through ended up being 45 minutes of honest to goodness fun!!!

Playing it on my i7 2600k/Radeon 5850 CFX set up and honestly, they must've fixed the issues as the game runs incredibly well and is kinda fun to play! Haven't tried it on my x6 1090t/GTX 460 SLI set up yet, but I hope it runs as well!

Got this for $15 on Steam (despite me saying it would have to be $10 or less before I bought it), but wanted to see how big of a calamity the PC version was....It's been apparently fixed, so maybe a re-review?
Agreed, pretty much had no issues after purchasing and playing it on black friday. Loved the game. Glad to see others enjoying it, just gifted it to a buddy for xmas.
Wow, just installed it on my Laptop (i5 2.53Ghz/GT420) and it runs well on this too! I do get texture pop in, but it's much more tolerable then in the videos I saw at around launch of this game (the videos showed it running on a Radeon 6970 with horrendous texture popping)
It's not a bad game. Coming from id, though, a lot of people expected a lot more.

If you like this game and haven't tried it before, check out Borderlands GOTY.
Definitely try Borderlands. One of the best games of all time and you can play virtually forever and it never really gets old. I havent tried Rage cause of all the bad press Id heard about it. It does seem like they patched a lot of the bugs out of it so I might give it a shot if it shows up on Steams year end sale next week. May not though cause Im starting to get a little backlog going on.
Honestly, they must've fixed it, because what I expected going in was going to be a hilarious mess of missing textures and environments that build up like a broken version of what Unreal Engine games do( you know crappy textures that pop into high res automagically). I expected it to work OK on my nVida Set up and be unplayable on my Radeon set up. Man, what was supposed to be a 5 miniute play through ended up being 45 minutes of honest to goodness fun!!!

Playing it on my i7 2600k/Radeon 5850 CFX set up and honestly, they must've fixed the issues as the game runs incredibly well and is kinda fun to play! Haven't tried it on my x6 1090t/GTX 460 SLI set up yet, but I hope it runs as well!

Got this for $15 on Steam (despite me saying it would have to be $10 or less before I bought it), but wanted to see how big of a calamity the PC version was....It's been apparently fixed, so maybe a re-review?

That's good to here, maybe I'll give Rage a try now. Wanted it from day 1 but couldn't believe how many problems everyone was having with it. Feel bad for anyone who payed $60 for it, but for $15 it might be worth a shot. Along with Serios Sam BFE.
Ah, I should have bought it, I held back because I'm right in the middle of The Witcher EE, next up, the witcher 2.
$15 game overpriced to $60 at release and full of bugs. Honestly I thought it was boring gameplay wise and borderlands did a better job at the same thing.

But that's just my opinion.
Picked it up yesterday during the Steam sale. On my current main system it runs flawlessly using the the latest AMD drivers. The game is still pretty meh, but it is not horrible.
I guess he didn't get the memo. The HardOCP and PC gaming community as a whole avoided this title. One, buggy but even worse, same ol' crappy cliche crap wrapped up in a nice little console package. We are waiting for someone other than ID to properly and correctly implement ID Tech 5 into something cool. Rage wasn't it. Not sure when / if this will happen. Until then, the memo basically reads like this: Avoid this crap ware.
Going from "Unpurchasable at any price" to "worth $15 on a Steam sale" is more then I expected with Rage suffering consolitus...I thought they'd crap out one patch and call it a day with it...but it's currently very playable from a Mid/High end Desktop to a Mid-level Laptop.
I guess he didn't get the memo. The HardOCP and PC gaming community as a whole avoided this title. One, buggy but even worse, same ol' crappy cliche crap wrapped up in a nice little console package. We are waiting for someone other than ID to properly and correctly implement ID Tech 5 into something cool. Rage wasn't it. Not sure when / if this will happen. Until then, the memo basically reads like this: Avoid this crap ware.

I don't feel gypped at $15. I would have at $60. It is prolly a $10 game to be honest. But, since I have a lot of time on my hands these days, figured I would give it a go. Only played for about 30 minutes, but they seem to have the the graphical anomalies worked out. It still looks great from a distance and rather like ass up close, but that is just the way they made the textures I guess..
I guess he didn't get the memo. The HardOCP and PC gaming community as a whole avoided this title. One, buggy but even worse, same ol' crappy cliche crap wrapped up in a nice little console package. We are waiting for someone other than ID to properly and correctly implement ID Tech 5 into something cool. Rage wasn't it. Not sure when / if this will happen. Until then, the memo basically reads like this: Avoid this crap ware.

Not to repeat myself but people have this weird mindset here where $15 seems like a great deal for a game that recently retailed for $60. like "this was $60 a couple months ago it cant be too bad" and thats just not true at all anymore. Triple AAA studios flub all the time these days.

I recently almost purchased a 2008 Dodge Caliber SXT it was only 9k with 32,000 miles. The car retails at 11-13k. My wife was flipping out because it was such a great deal, but I started really reading reviews and the car is so so at best shitty at worst. I thought why buy a so-so car just because it's unusually cheap. If anything it's a reason to avoid it.

I know I just made the dreaded car analogy but what I mean to say is, would you buy a shitty product just cause it's cheaper than it retailed? The same is true of games. With the millions of games out why buy a shitty game just because it's on sale. I know you guys have backlogs like me. Find something else to play. Save your money for a game you might actually want.
i like the game.it's not great,but it's kind of fun and cool.if you liked borderlands you should like RAGE.(same game.borderlands was way better.) had i paid $60 for it i would have been angry too.(thanks to all who gave warning) Yeah,for $15 its worth it.
To me, the big three games which have been bashed beyond their crappiness have been Rage, Crysis 2 and DNF. All 3 are between average and good, but had huge weight on their shoulders, being from id, from Crytek/sequel to Crysis and being over anticipated and as such got hated on more than they deserved as far as the games themselves were concerned. None of them are games I would have paid full price for, but they're all reasonable $15-30 games... which most games are these days anyway.
I still say this game sucks 100% donkey cawk. One of the worst fps' right up there even with Daikatana. This is not fiction, this is fact.
Any idea why this game is a ~21000MB download on Steam? I mean, Jesus.
I recently almost purchased a 2008 Dodge Caliber SXT it was only 9k with 32,000 miles. The car retails at 11-13k. My wife was flipping out because it was such a great deal, but I started really reading reviews and the car is so so at best shitty at worst. I thought why buy a so-so car just because it's unusually cheap. If anything it's a reason to avoid it.

I know I just made the dreaded car analogy but what I mean to say is, would you buy a shitty product just cause it's cheaper than it retailed? The same is true of games. With the millions of games out why buy a shitty game just because it's on sale. I know you guys have backlogs like me. Find something else to play. Save your money for a game you might actually want.

That is a terrible analogy. Because the game is entertainment, a car is not. (well, depending on who you ask, but realistically a car/vehicle is more a necessity. If it breaks down, you'll have to pay for it. If the game breaks, big deal.)

Now that it's out of the way. All games carry a certain level of entertainment value. Therefore, one can conclude that, giving it's problems/issues/design the game might not be worth $60 in entertainment value, but certainly worth $15.
Honestly, they must've fixed it, because what I expected going in was going to be a hilarious mess of missing textures and environments that build up like a broken version of what Unreal Engine games do( you know crappy textures that pop into high res automagically).
Do you have an SSD on this system? I can say that even at launch I had no issues with this game. It played beautifully for me with virtually zero pop in.
I wouldn't pay $1 for this piece of junk console port. This game has single handedly convinced me to NEVER purchase another game form id again. Its THAT bad.

the first post in the rage thread sums it up pretty good:

"I feel scammed. Fucking scammed. John Carmack.....why? You just lost every ounce of your elite status as a game programmer. This game is shit, plain and simple.

Visually, one of the worst looking games that has come out in 7 years. Far Cry looks better than this. This game has the worst texture pop in, textures (we're talking Quake 2 / Sin quality, possibly low end Quake 3 here) I have seen yet on a modern game. Doom 3 is visually and gameplay wise superior to this game in every aspect. Absolutely no HDR or lighting, nothing modern. The desert has no shadows, nothing casts shadows it's all static.

OMFG.I am so pissed. I spent $60 on this hunk of dog shit when money is tight. NEVER again. Gaming on this very night, the 4th of October, has died. Gaming is dead, long live the king. The game has no direction, no compelling storyline, visuals that reek, terrible mouse controls, no console, no tweakablity. What the fucking fuck is this and how did it get past John Carmack's brain? Too much cell phone programming. I actually cannot force myself to load it back up, it's THAT bad.

This game aint got shit on Duke Nukem Forever. I'm just awe struck. I told my nephew tonight gaming has died. The true pc gaming is dead forever, fuck your texture packs, fuck your patches. This is a Xbox 360 game ported sneakily to look like a pc game. It's a wolf in sheeps clothing. No goddamn excuse that having a sandy at 5 ghz, 12 gigs of ram, and a GTX 480 @ 580 with 1.5 gb of ram looks like this. I want my $60 back motherfucker!"
I wouldn't pay $1 for this piece of junk console port. This game has single handedly convinced me to NEVER purchase another game form id again. Its THAT bad.

the first post in the rage thread sums it up pretty good:

Wait, you wouldn't pay $1, yet you know its so bad. So does that mean you won't buy it because you know its bad despite not playing it, or does it mean you already bought it and are talking in the theoretical term that if you hadn't already bought it you wouldn't buy it? :p
Wait, you wouldn't pay $1, yet you know its so bad. So does that mean you won't buy it because you know its bad despite not playing it, or does it mean you already bought it and are talking in the theoretical term that if you hadn't already bought it you wouldn't buy it? :p

bought it, played it, beat it, felt like I was robbed at gunpoint.

And come to think of it, that $1 quote is a very big overestimate on my part :p
To me, the big three games which have been bashed beyond their crappiness have been Rage, Crysis 2 and DNF. All 3 are between average and good, but had huge weight on their shoulders
I thought that Rage and Crysis 2 were both major technical achievements. The latter received a great deal of criticism because it wasn't the system-killer its predecessor was, but visuals account for very little if no one can run it reasonably well. Crysis 2 had its flaws, but at least Crytek really came through on performance, and gameplay was pretty decent for the most part.

DNF had great potential, but the game really ended up being a caricature of itself, and not in a good way. I couldn't play more than 15 minutes of it.

Any idea why this game is a ~21000MB download on Steam? I mean, Jesus.
Textures. Every single surface in the game is uniquely-textured.
Do you have an SSD on this system? I can say that even at launch I had no issues with this game. It played beautifully for me with virtually zero pop in.

I have an SSD on both of my main machines(i7 and x6) at my homes. One's a Western Digital and the others a Kingston. However I don't see how this would be pertinent, as I have the games installed on the system's respective 2TB WD Black drives.
IDK, the first things that I noticed was the shitty textures, mouse smoothing, a low fov, horrendous screen tearing which I never see on my display, and the framerate cap.

Is there a comprehensive list of tweaks for Rage?
I have a couple questions for people who have been keeping up with all the bugs and fixes for this game. Bought it for $15 a couple days ago, and tried it for a couple hours yesterday. For starters the FOV was way too low by default, but I figured out how to fix that with a startup command-line addition. So my 2 issues so far:

1) Vehicle-driving look-around: WTF?? I have to press a key to be able to look around, and when I do, the directions are all reversed, which makes it a pain to look around, and makes it nearly impossibly to steer the vehicle correctly while you're looking around? I've played over a dozen games that have involved driving while shooting, and I've never seen this screwed up before! How did they manage to do this wrong?? The mouse-look should be permanently on while driving - shouldn't require me to press a button to look around, and I should be able to turn off the inverted axis. Anyone know where to find a fix for this?

2) The textures. I haven't noticed "pop-in" per-se, and for the most part the game looks amazing, but what drives me crazy is that there are no detailed close-up textures for surfaces that are close to you. It's like the game all looks amazingly photo-realistic as long as you only look at things that are 10+ feet away from you. If you look at the ground below your feet, it looks like absolute crap most of the time. Every now and then I've noticed textures on the ground that are super detailed (like the floor in the capsule at the beginning, or the blood-spatters on the floor of the "kill-room"), but most of the time close-up objects look like crap. How hard is it to put in a different texture for close-up and have it fade to the other texture for distant objects?? This has been a standard method in game engines for ages - how did ID manage to screw this up??

Oh well, I guess I'm going to have to go look around for some cfg tweaks to try and fix the issues I'm having, or I may just give it a while longer and see if this stuff gets patched any time soon. It's really a shame to see a game with so much potential get ruined by just a few tiny irritating problems.
i bought it for $15 too. I'm about 3 hours in and it's ok. Keep in mind I bought Borderlands GOTY 3 months ago and am just coming off ~145 horus of playing that. I find myself going back to boderlands and wanting to finish the rest of PT2.

rage looks great, but I loved the openness of borderlands and rage is very linear in comparison.

How long is rage in terms of time to get through SP?
I made the leap and grabbed RAGE, so far I like it; it's very "Borderlandsy."

Graphical issues are a non issue, however there are some items where the textures are low res. Noticeable on stuff like boxes, file cabinets and some random areas. Overall the game does look good though, worth what I paid on the sale. Hell, if they would have released this thing properly and with the textures working right. They probably would not have received all of the bad press they did; making more money on a good game... Which it is so far IMO, keeps me entertained. :)
I almost bought this, but after reading a bunch about it, I decided not to. I did and still do like Borderlands a lot. Great game, except some of the expansion packs kind of don't mesh with the story after you beat it.

If it goes on sale again I may grab it.

"I feel scammed. Fucking scammed. John Carmack.....why? You just lost every ounce of your elite status as a game programmer. This game is shit, plain and simple.

Visually, one of the worst looking games that has come out in 7 years. Far Cry looks better than this. This game has the worst texture pop in, textures (we're talking Quake 2 / Sin quality, possibly low end Quake 3 here) I have seen yet on a modern game. Doom 3 is visually and gameplay wise superior to this game in every aspect. Absolutely no HDR or lighting, nothing modern. The desert has no shadows, nothing casts shadows it's all static.

OMFG.I am so pissed. I spent $60 on this hunk of dog shit when money is tight. NEVER again. Gaming on this very night, the 4th of October, has died. Gaming is dead, long live the king. The game has no direction, no compelling storyline, visuals that reek, terrible mouse controls, no console, no tweakablity. What the fucking fuck is this and how did it get past John Carmack's brain? Too much cell phone programming. I actually cannot force myself to load it back up, it's THAT bad.

This game aint got shit on Duke Nukem Forever. I'm just awe struck. I told my nephew tonight gaming has died. The true pc gaming is dead forever, fuck your texture packs, fuck your patches. This is a Xbox 360 game ported sneakily to look like a pc game. It's a wolf in sheeps clothing. No goddamn excuse that having a sandy at 5 ghz, 12 gigs of ram, and a GTX 480 @ 580 with 1.5 gb of ram looks like this. I want my $60 back motherfucker!"
^And whoever this asshole is, I'm sure nobody at id cared about what he said.

Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one and they all stick. Especially his.
^And whoever this asshole is, I'm sure nobody at id cared about what he said.

Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one and they all stick. Especially his.

Agreed, I also have DNF, which has nothing on this game. RAGE looks better and is more fun than DNF, not sure why that previous guy would even say that... attention maybe?
The use of virtual texturing. What else?

Ok, I'll grant that. They sure didn't do much with that, though, at least IMO.

I will be eager to see what others do with the Id Tech 5 engine down the road, though. There's definitely exciting potential there.
It probably just wasn't the right time to make that transition from traditional attached surfaces to virtual texturing. Technically speaking, id Tech 5 is totally unlike anything we've ever seen before, and the basic technology behind the way it works is definitely the way forward (as we'll see within the next few years, I suspect), but there were so many comprises that had to be made due to resource constraints that it just didn't pan out as well as it could have.

Carmack got his "painted world", and there are times when that ends up working out brilliantly, but the compromises were too tough a pill to swallow for a lot of people. I think most people would have been more forgiving if they truly understood the way virtual texturing works and the whys behind the blurry textures and so on, but it's also a lot to ask for people to appreciate one aspect of a certain technique while forgiving another.
I am sure the guys over at ID had a chance to, get back from their break from shipping rage, have a long nice relaxing sit down at their desks, this was months ago of course and basically read everything that was said here, but, instead, all over the internet. HOPEFULLY .... they were crushed and will make a much better effort next time, if there is a next time, in regard to design and implantation, stepping out of the same old walls they've boxed themselves into, giving us, their loyal customers something fresh and original or, they all retire into the sunsets and spend all that money they are flush with from back in the day when they actually gave a damn.