HTTP tunnelling


Jun 8, 2004
I am trying to tunnel though to my work from my home server. Does anyone know how to start this process or even know how to do this?
it probably is bypassing a proxy etc, but you could maybe remote desktop to your home box and then access whatever you want.

All i have access to is http port, so remote desktop wont work.

IanG said:
it probably is bypassing a proxy etc, but you could maybe remote desktop to your home box and then access whatever you want.

yup that would work, but it does seem to be directed at breaking forum rules.

In any case, After geocities came hampsterdance only to be replaced by myspace, it's the substitute for real life to all the mindless donkeys that are clicking their way through (I'm trying to be nice here... I'd call myspace users a lot of other, more appropriate names).
The reason i need/want this is that i am sometimes trapped at my work and can not leave and i'm not suppose to be working, and the admins approved the use of the site i want to have access to, but they are retarded and can't give access to just me for the port. The told me about http tunneling. It is the only way i keep in contact with my son overseas, so yes I do need to be on there.

jonw757 said:
Im guessing this falls underneath Bypassing a firewall, proxy, security policy, etc....
Either way you REALLY dont need to be on myspace all day..
ooh! oooh! PICK ME! pick me! I have the answer...

answer: "too bad so sad!"

Well i would like to say thanks for the lack of help and also to those who like to post, just to are doing the same thing i am asking about myspace, but with hardforum.
EaTeR said:
ooh! oooh! PICK ME! pick me! I have the answer...

answer: "too bad so sad!"

but due to the lack of help i will close this thread, thanks for nothing....
ezkill said:
The reason i need/want this is that i am sometimes trapped at my work and can not leave and i'm not suppose to be working, and the admins approved the use of the site i want to have access to, but they are retarded and can't give access to just me for the port. The told me about http tunneling. It is the only way i keep in contact with my son overseas, so yes I do need to be on there.

smells a little fishy dude, I'm one of those admins and it is extremely easy to create a filter that would allow your IP more access, granted I wouldn't do it any of my users either, it's not worth the risk that they would take from the management (among other things).

Basically you may not supposed to be working so bring a book with you, I wouldn't open security holes in my firewalls either.

I'll go as far to tell you that there are services you can pay for that will allow you to do this, but google it on your own. (you could do it for free too, but you probably wouldn't be able to if you're asking the question... no flames intended).

I'd double check you are not breaking any corporate IT procedures, just because a sympathetic admin said that would work does not mean it's allowed... just a fair warning.
ezkill said:
Well i would like to say thanks for the lack of help and also to those who like to post, just to are doing the same thing i am asking about myspace, but with hardforum.

when your story doesn't add up and it's against the forum rules the best I can do is have a little fun with it, excuse me :D
Someone answer the damn question! :p I don't need it for work but similar usage
remote desktop, combined with iis on the home machine should still work. You can access your home desktop through the browser.


lock this thread...

tunneling to get to myspace @ work none. the less. If they bar it from work ESPECIALLY with all the pictures there and with the latest security issue. Hell no. I would ban you rom the internet if i were to catch you trying what you posted here.
hahahahahah. ;)

Hey, I'm just trying to help the guy out. He asked a question, I gave him what to check into. Ssh tunneling can be very useful, both good and bad. Just depending on how it's used.