HTPC vs File Server


Feb 18, 2011
Hey gang,

I have some spare parts (see below) and not sure what to build. I have no experience with HTPC or File Server (for use on my internal network). Was wondering which route to go and between the two. I'm a fairly quick learner so I'm not afraid to try new things and learn as I go along. Which of the two would you build?

I have a the following parts already:
-Phenom II 965,
-Asus mATX MB (nothing special but it does have HDMI out);
-6 of DDR3 RAM;
-2 X 500 GB Hard drives (mechanical); and
-an Antec 1200 case.

P.S. I don't really have any need for either but would like to build one of the 2 for fun...

Thanks in advance!
Both, connect the htpc to whatever tv you like then use wireless networking for file transfers. Windows file sharing has been a bitch for me to set up all 3 times I've done it at myself on the same computers and hardware each time but once you get it right it works How it should. Pissed me off so much trying to figure out why I could transfer from one computer but not the other, even though the network settings were identical on all pcs. I still have no idea how fixed it lol. They were all Windows 7 computers
Well you'll need/want a TV tuner card if you intend to watch Cable TV or OTA TV; which will add to the costs. Granted an HTPC doesn't require much at ALL to operate and a file server uses even less resources than that. With that being said, I would use it as both like I am currently doing with my HTPC.

Granted I'm rocking an 1090T and a 570 GTX; but I fold on them while I watch TV.
Both if your storage needs won't be going beyond 4TB or more. If your storage needs exceeds that much, you should be looking at a file server. However for file serving duties, I highly recommend avoiding wireless as much as possible if more than one PC will be accessing the file server due to performance issues.
The reason why so many people are suggesting both is because file servers and HTPCs have similar minimum requirements from the main components (i.e. low power CPU, small amount of RAM, low wattage PSU, etc.). The main differences are the expansion cards (if there are any) (i.e. a TV Tuner vs a RAID card vs Sound Card) and the size of the computer case and data storage needs. Building a computer that does both HTPC and file server duties is easily viable.
I agree with danny. Avoid wireless if more than one pc. My htpc/file server is wireless in the same room as the AP and its terribly slow. Like 1MB sec slow. Plugging it in I get 6MB easily. Luckily im the only one who uses it and I don't transfer files that often.
What everyone else said. I turned an archaic desktop (P4, 1GB of Ram, circa 2004 :eek:) into an HTPC/file server and it works fine (well enough for my limited needs). As far as I'm concerned, wired >> wireless.
No need to run separate boxes if you can comfortably fit everything inside your case and it does everything you need it to. Try out a combo first, see if it meets your needs, and only build a separate file server if you find something the combo can't do.

I've got my HTPC doing both. I run Win7 Pro (for RDP) plus XBMC off a 64GB SSD, then have 4x 2TB and one 1.5TB media storage drive in a Flexraid setup for parity protection (6.82TB useable), all stuffed in a Lian Li V354B. Runs 24x7 with low power draw (i3 2100 + Asus mATX board + fanless 400w Seasonic gold PSU, HDDs not in use are spun down), shares everything across the network through the Flexraid interface with different read/write permissions for different users/pcs.

It all works fine for me, haven't had a problem even with multiple streams or disk spinups or anything while playing something in XBMC on the box itself.

EDIT: And most definitely find a way to wire whatever you build into your network. Your file transfers will thank you.
I have a PC used as HTPC and fileserver. Similar specs, Phenom II 955. Consider using LINUX for the OS instead of Windows. Currently Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Long Term Service) and couldn't be happier. I'm not a windows hater, but HTPC with SAMBA is so sweet.