HTPC names?


Aug 13, 2001
do you guys make up names for your HTPC boxes? I've been racking my brain trying to come up with someting so i can make up a fancy logo sticker thing, but not really getting anywhere.

any ideas?

I'm currently rocking the super-creative title of "HTPC" for mine over the network
Aww man, and here I thought I was the only one creative enough to call mine "HTPC" on the network.....
You guys suck and totally stole my idea for using "HTPC" and then a number to identify my htpc's on my network. :p

But seriously, I've always kept my computer names simple and to the point. fileserver, mailserver, htpcserver, etc...
I have myHTPC, blackbox, EVO. My file server is Server, my main box is Logic. Laptops are n600 and some random crap my job named one. I m not very creative.
Mine has gone through many names.


Currently though it is named popcorn.
"metro".. heh.. wonder where I came up with that one...

Although once I have everything finished up (including emulators), maybe something artsy like FraGGleR at Play. Maybe FraGGleR's Toybox. I only have two computers so I can get creative and not be confused.

BTW popcorn is a fantastic name.
Mine is named Paco. I'm not sure why it has that name but it always makes me think "Mexican Tivo". It's not Tivo, it's PACO!

PS, I was not the one who named it.
djskankho said:
Mine is named Paco. I'm not sure why it has that name but it always makes me think "Mexican Tivo". It's not Tivo, it's PACO!

PS, I was not the one who named it.

I call mine Chidori. My main rig is named Lain.
My HTPC is named Chronos, after the Greek God. Since, in a sence, it controls time :)
Server is Thanatos, Which is the greek personification of Death. Ironically, it about died this weekend.
ISA server is Gibson, since to get into my network, you'd have to... well, hack the gibson.
New server is Sparky, cuz its fun to call a server sparky.

I shall stop now.
Well you username is Achtung... why not find some german name for it so it will be like media in german or something?

I have an obsession with dark...
Network name DarkNet
main computer awdark
HTPC1 DarkServer
HTPC2 DarkMCE (media center edition)
Secondary Computer PerfectDark (I like that computer... visually pleasing to me)
PocketPC AwDark
PocketPC DarkPPC

And whenever I fill out the company name... DarkCorp :D
pimpedbox = because everything is "pimped" from this box. :)
I'm sad to say that I just use functional names:

Media Center machine is TV-PC
main machine is Main-PC
daughter's machine is Amelia-PC
son's machine is Braden-PC
machine in our bedroom is Bedroom-PC
arcade machine is Arcade-PC
test machine is Test-PC
laptop is Laptop-PC
fileserver is (get this) file-server

Not imaginative, I know... but... I know if I gave them some cool names, I'd never remember what they were and I'd have to look at my DHCP table to get the names... ;)
I name all my home systems after aircraft:
Main Rig: Spirit
HTPC: Hornet
Bedroom 1: Raptor
Bedroom 2: Eagle
Fileserver: Hercules
My main rig is called Natalie
My laptop is called Jessica
My wife's box is called Hailey
My PPC is called Osaka
My bedroom TVPC is called Ashley
My HTPC is known as Maureen

Natalie was named because my mother insisted that should I ever reproduce and have a female child, I must name her Natalie. I told her it was unlikely and named my PC natalie as a joke. Every other computer has been a girl's name I either liked or I thought fit really well. Maureen is a name that should be obvious to many older people, even though I'm only 22.

There are many retired PCs with names that I wont list here.
US Mountains:

File Server: Foraker
HTPC: Shavano
Main: McKinley
Mine was m3diab0x but it confused the rest of the ppl in the house so now its just MediaBox
HTPC = Apparition

Main Gaming PC = Spectre
Second Gaming PC (my wife's) = Shadow
Linux/Experimental Box = Banshee
File Server = Drake
Firewall = ssbordergw

Couple of others. =)
All my PC's are named after characters from Shakespeare's works.


Don't know why I chose them. I am not a fan of Shakespeare at all.
No idea why I named it that. It's not even really functional enough to deserve a name as it only plays music from the HD. Uses composite vid out and doesn't have an optical drive. :D
I call mine Matrix. makes it easy to remember.
Main machine is Hal-9000, Fileserver is ComSat, Garage PC is called Tuner, Laptop is called Laptop.