HP 2311xi @ BestBuy $169 + fs -- 23" IPS

it might look sexy without the bezel all naked and stuff, then make your own mount ;)
Why do deals like this come along when I'm broke? :mad:

Here's a review: http://www.anandtech.com/show/6115/hp-2311xi-ips-monitor

P.S. Yeah, about the bezel... If it's like the 2311x, it's annoying as hell as there is a reflection on the bezel from the screen (the part that sticks out perpendicular to the screen). You get used to it after awhile but it's still idiotic.
Had to bite. I've been using a 26" lcd hdtv for my gaming monitor and though it is a 1080p set it's not capable of displaying anything better than 720 in most games.

This thing looks amazing! I am not sure if it is just the jump in resolution that I am noticing, or the IPS panel, but either way, at this price, it is very hard to even bother arguing IPS vs. TFN. I didn't even notice the 3" drop in size. Also, no issues with bezel reflections, though I had my room pretty dark. One thing I noticed, and this could be partly due to the LED backlight too, the contrast is phenomenal. Again, I don't have a lot to compare to, but for $180 out the door, you can't argue. This is from a guy who HATES HP, and swore I would never ever EVER buy another HP product.

BTW, there were two at a store near me, so I just went in a bought it for the web price. It was in their system as the web's price. I did have to have someone find it, as they were not on display, and the two they had in stock were way up on a shelf out of view.