How to save CVS-friendly files with Dreamweaver?


Limp Gawd
Aug 1, 2004
I'm having a problem saving files using Dreamweaver for use with CVS. When a file is saved, no matter what has been modified, CVS diff thinks that the entire file has changed. This makes versioning useless since edits can't be tracked. I'm only using the code view in Dreamweaver and never use the design view. Saved files don't look visibly different, but there's obviously a change being made somewhere, somehow. Any ideas on how to prevent this from happening? I would really appreciate it so I don't have to continue to resort to using other editors.
Hrmm... I think I replied to this one before the DB rollback but...

You might want to check your whitespace. There might be some sort of automatic space/tab or newline conversions going on which would result in your entire file being identified as modifications.
I think I finally got it figured out after messing with many of the Dreamweaver options. The default "Line break type" is "CR LF (Windows)" and changing it to "LF (Unix)" made the problem go away. Makes sense.