how to resize image properly


Limp Gawd
Oct 6, 2002
i have a wallpaper thats in 1280x1024 resolution and i want to resize it to 2560x1600. How do i do it right so the image still look good in 2560x1600. Cause using the normal resize the image is far to stretch out.
I dont care what program you use stretching an image that much can't look very good.
when you take a image 1280x1024, you have a certian ammount of pixels there, when you convert it to 2550x1200 (or whatever you want) its taking the pixels and spacing them appart and the filling in the blanks, thats why it looks blurry. really theres nothing much you can do to keep it good quality
Stretching that much is going to degrade whatever you do. If there's any way you can get a hold of a higher resolution original file, then that will be your best bet. Is this a picture of something, or a wallpaper that someone put together in photoshop?

but most programs will do a decent job of getting you to that size.

Irfanview is one I like to use to re size things. though I'm usually shrinking for the web.