How to pack HDD for shipping


Apr 10, 2003
Hi, I am shipping 12 Western Digital PATA Drives overseas and was wondering what the safest way to package them for shipping are. I don't have any of those hard drive plastic cases so any suggestions are appreciated, thanks.
I believe that you can buy those HD trays.

If not, get an anti-static bag for each one. HD in anti-static bag, wrap each HD tightly in several layers of bubble wrap (be sure to tape up the ends). Then put a layer of peanuts in the bottom of a box, then put the hd's in the middle and fill the box up the rest of the way with peanuts.

If you really wanted to be careful, you could get a box just large enough to hold the wrapped hd's tape it closed, and then put it into another box with peanuts.
12 drives? that may be worth investing into a box specifically for HDD shipping, it'd have cutouts one for each hdd.
Do NOT use bubble wrap or peanuts, they don't support drives properly. Peanuts allow a drive to slide around, bubble wrap is only compressible once, once the bubbles pop it's worthless.

Use either foam or molded plastic inserts. Immobilize the drives in the the box, with at least 1 inch of packing material or air on all sides so that the drives will not be affected if the box is punctured or crushed.