How to find out Mobo in Computer


Aug 28, 2004
I bought a Sony Vaio computer and i know it has an intel mobo because when i cracked open the case i saw it was one. i have been searching on the internet for specs telling me the exact one but cant find them. The reason im looking is because i want to flash the bios to allow me to OC the CPU because currently it wont allow me to do so Sony locked it.
Try googleing CPU-Z. This handy little executeble allows you to see all sorts of information on your system. Anything to the Name of the Core to how much ram in each slot. It should give you a model name. Although I'm not sure if it will work so well with a proprietary system. But give it a try!
If its an Intel board you wont be overclocking anyway. Intel hates overclocking.
I looked into doing something similar once, but I found that the Sony computer has a MB that was only made for the OEM machines and not a regular retail product. I couldn't find anything even though I knew the model # for the MB.