How To - Auto Position Your Console Windows


Feb 20, 2005
Here's a little tip that I thought I would share. If you are like me and are anal about where your windows appear, like to have a tidy desktop and don't like where Windows randomly throws your console windows then read on.

First position your FaH console where you would like it. Personally since I have two SMP consoles running I drag mine to the top right corner and stack them with one directly under the other.

Now right click the title menu and select Properties. Choose the Layout tab and uncheck the "Let system position window" box. The coordinates in the Window Position section should no longer be grayed out. Go ahead and click OK. Now a pop up box will come up. Just select the "Modify shortcut that started this window" radio button and you're done.

Now next time you start your Consoles they will magically appear right where you want them to :D

There are also options to change the font, font color, background color, etc so go ahead and brighten up your box to your hearts content.

Here's a little tip that I thought I would share. If you are like me and are anal about where your windows appear, like to have a tidy desktop and don't like where Windows randomly throws your console windows then read on.

That's beautiful, simple but effective. thanks for sharing that, as it's been driving me nuts since I started folding a few weeks ago.

Now if you've got any experience you'd like to share with getting the consoles off my task bar and into the system tray..... I looked at Tray It, but it seemed to want to put ALL my apps that are currently in the system tray inside itself, which I don't want.

That's beautiful, simple but effective. thanks for sharing that, as it's been driving me nuts since I started folding a few weeks ago.

Now if you've got any experience you'd like to share with getting the consoles off my task bar and into the system tray..... I looked at Tray It, but it seemed to want to put ALL my apps that are currently in the system tray inside itself, which I don't want.


I too suffer from the anal desktop syndrome. Add to that the same thing applies to my hard drives; things have to be in a specific order. The rest of my computer room may be a mess but not the boxen.

A long time ago I started putting my taskbar at the top, then setting it to auto hide. From there I open quick launch and add any shortcuts I might need to that location. This way I have total use of my screen and no ugly icons. Just keep in mind by default quick launch icons are one clickers, don’t double click.

Have fun.;)

I too suffer from the anal desktop syndrome. Add to that the same thing applies to my hard drives; things have to be in a specific order.

Amen....I can not stand a messy wife, on the other hand......She has thousands and thousands of pictures, music and miscellaneous files scattered across two drives:confused:

How she finds anything is a mystery to me......
