How Many Screens Does One Man Need?

O I said 25, but I forgot our Ipod and Archos etc. Lets call it around 30 screens. How about my graphing calculator? My youngest has a leap pad! oo ooo my MICROWAVE has a digital readout surely that counts for my "digital connectednesssssssssss!"
I though it was about someone with 8 monitor on a single PC, what a disapointment.
At home
6 TV's
8 Monitor's
2 Phones (work/personal)
1 Zune HD
1 Refrigerator (Samsung Apps Fridge)
2 Laptops
3 Tablets (HP Touchpad x2/Vizio)
Another 6 or so at work..

Yeah I am going to go with 30 screens or so that I am surrounded by every day.
Yeah... Excluding the 3 I have on my computer at work (and this guy counts his dedicated work machines in his 8 screens) I have:

ipad at the gym
ipad at home
desktop (1 monitor)
cell phone

Plus some almost-never-used devices.

And I'm adding 2 more 22-24" monitors once i get my new system online.
You can NEVER have too much information in front of you for all sorts of applications all running on multiple systems at once.

Laser cat!!!!!
Never got the "multi monitor" fever. I prefer one big screen. I'm very happy since I got a 32' Sony TV to use as my monitor. Perfect for my needs.

On the other hand, put 2 monitors on my mother's work PC and she loves it. It increased her productivity a lot. Like someone else said, it's really about having the proper tools for the job.

I use my desktop most of the time, unless I want to read something laying on my bed. Then it's my 7-inch generic Android tablet. My notebook is mostly for doing things outside home, like fixing PCs or going to classes. Can't stand to use it at home - if I want to go around I'll get the tablet, if I want to sit down I'll use the desktop. I have a 26' AOC TV to watch movies (unfortunately it's broken right now) and my wife has a 19' monitor. Also I have a 20' monitor to fix PCs when I need it - it has no DVI connection, that's why it's not with my wife.

I thought I had many devices, but after seeing what people here have I guess I'm poor.
I'd rather have 3 30inch 120hz 1600p monitors.....

Or 3 30inch 120hz 4k monitors even.
Let see me and my wife

3 for gaming pc,
2 in office pc, will not count other screens in office
2 phones
2 Laptops ok one doesn't work right now,
1 netbook
1 tv
1 3ds, which could count as 2
Desktop: 4 monitors
2 Lenovo laptops
1 Asus laptops
2 Tablets
2 iPhones
2 TV's
1 Zune 30
1 Sansa Fuze (Love this little guy!)

So 15 in total. Huzzah!
Forgot to add in work machines.
Desktop: 1
Laptop + 3 attached monitors

20 total

And I'm adding 2 more 22-24" monitors once i get my new system online.
You can NEVER have too much information in front of you for all sorts of applications all running on multiple systems at once.

Your cat looks like it's busy dumping or spraying...
Let's see...

(2) 24" monitors on each side of my
(3) 28" monitors for my gaming computer.
(2) laptop screens.
(2) Nooks.
(1) Android Phone.
(1) 120" HT projection screen.

All that for 1 person and I still don't feel I have enough. I would like the Old MS surface for my coffee table, one of the Surface capable Monitors for information display in my hallway, and a tablet. Not to mention more monitors for my gaming system...