How many people Switching to nVidia?

How many people switching to nVidia?

  • Switching from ATi to nVidia

    Votes: 210 45.4%
  • Switching from nVidia to ATi

    Votes: 27 5.8%
  • Sticking with ATi

    Votes: 100 21.6%
  • Sticking with nVidia

    Votes: 144 31.1%

  • Total voters
I'm sticking with ATI, just waiting for the X800 PE to hit store shelves a little faster.

Until then my 9700 Pro is playing Doom III fine
I'm switching from ATi to nVidia just because of the better performance/money ratio.
My Sapphire 9800pro was the best graphics card I've ever had, I hope the eVGA 6800GT (should be here monday!) is as reliable of a card as the 9800pro was (I will be buying ATI again in the future!).
I'm not switching to nV, nor am I switching ATI.
I don't give a squat about games FPS, as long as the games I want to play run at acceptable rates.
"Na nya nya, I get 150000 fps in suchnsuch game/benchmark with my falala video card " is getting really old.

I'm perfectly happy running my Matrox Parhelia in triple screen, surround gaming mode.
I don't care if Carmak's latest rehash of old an game only runs at xxxFPS.
My Parhelia runs the games I want to play, at an acceptable rate, in triple-screen mode. Nobody else can offer me that today, so poop on em all 'till they can...
one good thing about ati is u can trade in your old card for a new one so whenever the next ati card comes out i can trade mine in
Kruzin said:
I'm not switching to nV, nor am I switching ATI.
I don't give a squat about games FPS, as long as the games I want to play run at acceptable rates.
"Na nya nya, I get 150000 fps in suchnsuch game/benchmark with my falala video card " is getting really old.

I'm perfectly happy running my Matrox Parhelia in triple screen, surround gaming mode.
I don't care if Carmak's latest rehash of old an game only runs at xxxFPS.
My Parhelia runs the games I want to play, at an acceptable rate, in triple-screen mode. Nobody else can offer me that today, so poop on em all 'till they can...

Kruzin... Have you played Doom 3 on that setup yet? Just curious to know how it runs.
RAutrey said:
Kruzin... Have you played Doom 3 on that setup yet? Just curious to know how it runs.

Personally, I have not. Others at the Matrox Users forums I mod (link in profile) have. Some have been satisfied, others have not.

I will not argue that Matrox provides a great FPS counting gaming card. They do, however, provide a high quality card that gives unmatched multi-monitor, 2D desktop and video editing solutions that just happen to play many games in a mode that no other card can. To me, running UT2004 at 3072x768 triple screen surround mode at 40-50 fps is better than 1600x1200 single screen at 5000000FPS....
The reason I switched was because I needed a new card for my 1600x1200 native LCD, and the x800s were nowhere in sight. CompUSA had the 30% off 6800gt thing going, which definately tipped the scales. I still like ATi more, but this $280 GT is easily doing faster than Ultra speeds (still clocking up gradually over what is in my sig; have not hit the limit); I can't complain.
emorphien said:
That said, I'm also curious because the next ATI core/optimized shrink from nVidia might come around the time I'd consider upgrading cards.

very true. i wonder how much xbox2/revolution-tech will be used. the rumors flying around about xbox2s render capabilities really make me hope for a lot...
Three D. Marks said:
My sig says it all. Since Nvidiots make me wanna way in hell I'm jumping ship at this point in time.

I'd like to be on that list. What do I have to say?
Three D. Marks, you have shiny buns just like C3PO. And you spelled 3dMark wrong... :p Seriously, I wouldve gone to ATI for the 9800 Pro except I barely learned about the 6600. I stick where the bang for the buck is and it seems the 6600 will be best for that in terms of bang for buck combined with newer hardware...
I switched from 9800PRO to 6800 Ultra OC. I like ATI cards , but as of late they pissed me off 3 times. Call Of Duty crashing cant play for 2 weeks = strike #1, White and red snow in Doom3 on stock clocks = strike #2(Had to get a Arctic Silencer to fix this since ATI didnt even admit to problems even though there was a million posts about it), Paper freakin launch = strike #3.

Dont get me wrong Nvidia is not on my good side either. I remember getting ripped off every time they released a new card. $300+ for a card thats only 5% faster than the last one. Im glad ATI came around and made things a bit more interesting.

If there was x800 xt's around I would prolly stay with ATI , but Im not paying $700+ for a $499 card. Its not the retailers fault for price gouging its ATI's for not meeting demand. This world runs on money so be it. Well I do blame. $999 for a x800 xt. WTF!!!!
I might hold off this games that intrest me that WONT run on a 9800p, plus Halo 2 is coming out soon, no time for pc games :eek:
Circuitbreaker8 said:
I might hold off this games that intrest me that WONT run on a 9800p, plus Halo 2 is coming out soon, no time for pc games :eek:


But what about Stalker! Vampire! Battle for Middle-Earth! Something I'm missing!
:D Went from 9700 pro to 6800. I am very happy with the card runs great and you can see difference in games. Nvidia did it right.
I own quite a few of each but I'm going nvid exclusively now because of the whole ati / HL2 voucher bs......why not! :rolleyes: ....unless we revert back to the days of dos games I'd go trident all the way!

cheers! (D)(B)
When I built this box last summer I put in the cheapest card I could fin, ala FX5200. Now that D3 is out I snagged a 9700 Pro for $130. So I voted Nvidia to ATI.
Circuitbreaker8 said:
I might hold off this games that intrest me that WONT run on a 9800p, plus Halo 2 is coming out soon, no time for pc games :eek:
might not be a bad choice since new chips are being introducted in the next couple of months. :D
Reuben said:
I have a 9700 pro and am looking to upgrade but I'm waiting for half life 2 benchmarks before I make a final decision.

The 6800 GT appears to be the most cost effective at the moment. The X800 pro is a disappoitment with it's 12 pipes :(

Screw it, I'm going with the GT. Just waiting for the damn thing to get in stock.
D4hPr0 said:
I dont think they accept international orders though.

Tell ya, tell me where you live [well give me a rough estimate, I don't need to stalk you], and I'll try to find one for you. I've got a crapload of links. Also if you have any brand preferences now would be the time to share.

They'll have 2 pieces on 8-30 [they're confirmed, they're not geussing].

In case you live in the UK.
i got nvidia 6800nu instead ati 9800pro.. r350/r360 just cant run d3 at high res.
but if x800pro vivo was same price i would have bought that. hmm 1.6ns n 16pipes..
i switched from a 9500 non pro (softmodded to a 9700) To a leadtek 6800GT, and i LOVE IT :)

thumbs up for nvidia, I never thought id go back to them... but i have!
Hell if I had to drop $400 than it would be for the GT but I'm not so I'm gonna buy a 9800pro and save my money for something important. :)
Marvelous said:
Hell if I had to drop $400 than it would be for the GT but I'm not so I'm gonna buy a 9800pro and save my money for something important. :)

this is the MOST important thing EVER.
I'm going from a 9500 NP (softmodded to a 9700) to a 6800 GT. I am totally agnostic regarding platforms or companies. Whoever gives me the most bang for my buck. Right now, the 6800 GT and its nice overclocking is it.
Sticking with ATI. 9800pro to XT PE. I like running everything on highest settings with AA and AF. Alot of people with Nvidia's complaining about stuttering in games. I dont have that problem at all.
rancor said:
interesting maybe a typo?
Not a typo. The bandwidth at 3840x2400 @ 24Hz dual is in line with the bandwidth of 1600x1200 @ 60Hz, within 4%.

A display that high res isn't for gaming, it's probably part of a high resolution imaging system and 24fps should be more than fast enough for that purpose especially if it's real-time (the x-ray/MRI/etc only scans/retrieves at a few fps).
I don't have a severe loyalty to ATI or Nvidia. My laptop has a GeForce 2 Go, the last machine I built had a 9800Pro, and the one I'm building this weekend(the parts are on the way :D ) will have a 6800.

Guess I'm a flip flopper :p (which is a total bullshit term if you didn't know)