how many AMD haters signed up for the Directron drawing?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 15, 2000
Just saying. Lots of Intel trolls like to talk smack about AMD on this side of the forum, so how many of them signed up for the giveaway? And likely everyone in their family and 20 or 30 fakes to aid their chances.
i signed up for the drawing but i dont hate amd. I might hate them afterwards if bulldozer isnt up to par with intel, making me play a waiting game just to be disappointed. If it is better, i will build a whole new comp when it comes out with it.
I've made some statements about intel CPUs having the performance advantage lately. They do. No way around it. I usually also qualify those statements with something to the effect of "I love AMD, this is my first intel rig and I really hope BD is competitive so I can go back to them". So while Im an intel user currently in my main rig, I dont think I could ever be mistaken for a hater. I think AMD is a great company. That's just counting CPUs.

Ive said many times on these forums, I havent owned an nVidia card since my GeForce 4400 ti. I love Radeon cards and my next one is either going to be a 6950, 6970, or a 7xxx series. Just waiting to see what they bring to the table.
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right...I'd like to sign up but I don't have the 50 needed.

50 posts isnt much. They didnt say when the drawing would be either. Might be 2 weeks. You could be a weenie like AMD_Gamer and post 50 a day.
I dont hate AMD. Until Core2Duo, I was 100% AMD fanboy. Now, Im strictly Intel but maybe that could change with BD?? Doubtful, but well see. When Intel is putting out a 2500k @ $180 that will overclock to 4.5ghz without a hitch, its tough to say thats not a good buy.

And considering thats cheaper than my 1ghz TBird that I bought way back when, AMD better bring it :D Oh, I have AMD video cards :D Im in the clear!
It doesn't say anywhere that you can not enter if you don't like AMD.

And the Intel fanboys been rather busy in this part of the forums anyway.
i never win so i signed up for shits and giggles, here's to hoping BD is competitive.
Just saying. Lots of Intel trolls like to talk smack about AMD on this side of the forum, so how many of them signed up for the giveaway? And likely everyone in their family and 20 or 30 fakes to aid their chances.

Cause free is free? Honestly its an out dated cpu, woo hoo! Once bd comes out your going to get like $100 tops for it.
I signed up for the contest and I certainly do not hate AMD. For the last 100 or so CPU purchases (home, work/department, other) I have made at least 90 of them have been AMD. I don't hate Intel either though.

I dont hate AMD. Until Core2Duo, I was 100% AMD fanboy.

For me it was the Phenom 1 debacle that made me look at Intel. Before that there was quite a few years at work where ever single desktop CPU and all but 1 server purchase (which I could not control) was from AMD.
I don't hate AMD in fact I would love to see them give intel a run for their money but I do conceed that intel CPU's are kicking the crap out of AMD's current offerings.
I hope someone gets it that it is actually an upgrade for and will actually use it for their main system.
Processors are processors...there's no reason to love or hate a piece of silicon or the company that makes it. You pick what's best for your application :p
Back in the Nehalem days, I used to recommend the Phenom II X6/X4 to friends a lot...great bang for the buck and cheap motherboards (especially with the combo deals at Microcenter), with the i5-2500K around, not so much.
You'd be surprised at a fools loyalty for anything bwang. Phenom II's were great budget processors for the price before the Sandy Bridge came out. I underestimated the Sandy Bridge before launch enough to buy a Phenom II X6 and it's not a bad processor at all, though I have nothing to compare it to. But some Intel fans will bash it like they have some sort of vendetta against AMD. Whatever.

For me it was the Phenom 1 debacle that made me look at Intel. Before that there was quite a few years at work where ever single desktop CPU and all but 1 server purchase (which I could not control) was from AMD.
Sad for me to say, but my first truly self purchased pc was powered by an amd phenom 1, lol. And a low voltage model at that :p
I hope someone gets it that it is actually an upgrade for and will actually use it for their main system.

I agree - funny you see peeps with sigs where their system blows away the chip they would get from the competition - but thats life.
For me it would be an upgrade for my core2quad Q9550 I purchased in November 2008 when AMD did not have any competing product. I took advantage of the crazy black friday microsoft eBay deal (35% cashback) and got my CPU + ASUS P5Q Pro + 6GB of quality DDR2 + Antec 650W 80+ PS all for less than $400 total. The first thing I did when I got the parts was setup a linux based desktop that I run my linux based HTPC ( This was my main desktop at home till April of 2010 when I upgraded and reduced this machines role to mostly only the HTPC.
Well, guess I'm not [H]ard enough. I've ran nothing but AMD since my Pentium 3 days. It's not because I'm a AMD fanboy it's because I'm cheap! The truth is while AMD may not be the speed/efficiency king, the bang per buck is always outstanding. So yeah, if someone wants to give me a 6 core chip, I say bring it on, I'll find a use for it!
the bang per buck is always outstanding.

They have mostly had the price / performance however I can't say that they have that now unless you are looking at the sub $100 CPU market or you are looking for a machine where llano comes into play. I expect bulldozer to rectify this but not as much as Phenom II did before the existence of SB,
the bang per buck is always outstanding.

Good joke. I spent 200 euro on 1055T which could have given me nice i5-750 or if i spent slightly more xeon 3440.

Then again I shouldn't blame AMD I knew the performance is worse in <5 threaded aps but i never expected it won't offer any noticeable speed increase over overclocked Q6600 and I have assumed due to lack of data that 6 as amd likes to brag "real" cores would be kicking as in distributed computing.

Instead at 3,8 Ghz it was giving 25% more than i3 530 while consuming twice the power and costing 100 euro more.
They have mostly had the price / performance however I can't say that they have that now unless you are looking at the sub $100 CPU market or you are looking for a machine where llano comes into play. I expect bulldozer to rectify this but not as much as Phenom II did before the existence of SB,

Phenom II will be considered a joke after bulldozer is released. If you knew anything about microprocessor architecture you would know that. Sandy Bridge isn't that revolutionary.
Phenom II will be considered a joke after bulldozer is released.

No argument there.

If you knew anything about microprocessor architecture you would know that.

I certainly know more than a lot of users here being an EE who specialized in computer engineering with a dual degree in CS.

Sandy Bridge isn't that revolutionary.

Neither is bulldozer.
And internet access...
j/k, it's fun to speculate, and I really hope BD kicks tail for many reasons even if I can't upgrade right now. Two companies are better for us than one, no question.
I hate AMD. I like to talk smack on this side of the forum. I signed up for this along with my whole family and 20 to 30 fakes to aid my chances.
I tend to use AMD for my video cards but Intel for my CPU's. I don't hate either company. If we want any type of decent prices we need both companies going strong and competing. Also, why give away 5 CPU's to one person? Seems kind of stupid to me. I didn't even enter this one.
You did? I was able to post in the thread, and I don't have 50 posts -- yet. Where did it say that?

I think the contest was originally in a section of the forums that required 50 posts, but then it got moved.
I think they all did, either to secretly have another kickass computer, or to be like one of the jerks that gets a (insert fancy Apple/Sony device) and breaks it on camera or shoots it.
hey don't worry all the intel fanboys , picture themselves as little blue men. Kinda like smurfs but human looking and taller. Its only fair they hide under a bridge and try to tax all AMD system owners as they cross their bridge.
Guys, while there are intel fanboys there are also AMD fanboys. so while some intel fanboys that are dissing on Bulldozer there are AMD Fanboys dissing on Sandy bridge. After the BD release all will questions will be answered. I love AMD but if BD fails....theyre done
AMD wont be done if BD doesn't live up, they just have to price it right. Plus they have their graphics unit ATI hard to beat right now!
LOL they won't be done.

As much as we like performance, most people still wants something to get the job done at affordable prices. AMD delivers that. Now they're focusing on power efficiency, adding more to the table - and better battery life.

I buy AMD regardless since my Duron 650 @ 850MHz. Just because it's very good - I don't care if it's not the top offer, it still gets the job done flawlessly and they're always priced right. And the ease of upgrading makes it all the better.

But to each his own.