How legitimate is Powercolor


Limp Gawd
Jan 1, 2006
So recently there was a rebate ($20) for a R9 280x. I jumped on the deal because after rebate it was at a very lucrative price.

I printed out the rebate form the day I bought it. The form says I have to register the rebate on their website before I can send anything in.

The problem is I haven't been able to access their website since I bought the card (about 1 week ago). I have checked everyday and I keep getting an error.

Not worried about the $20 but I'm losing trust in the brand name.
Powercolor is definitely legit. Their site is down though. I just tried it myself.
Ok, then I have a different problem.

Oops! Google Chrome could not find

Firefox is saying

Firefox can't find the server at
They were established in 1997 by Tul.

I've owned a PowerColor X800XL and HD 5970. Both were solid cards that never failed and OCed well.
It's back up for me now. It was obviously down temporarily. It happens. It doesn't mean the company is fly by night, their website was simply down.
It doesn't work on any computer/tablet in my home even if I clear the cache but it works on my VZW cellphone.

I asked a few friends to test it and 1/4 said it won't work.

That's weird.
I've owned several PowerColor cards in the past. They're just as good as some of the other big name brands in my opinion. Definitely would not take them out of consideration if I'm shopping for an upgrade.
Just don't buy the Powercolor refurbs from Newegg. I did that a while back and got one DOA and one that completely died after using it for a few hours.
the name just sound shady ,never had any real experience with their products tho
Not everybody's experience is the same, but I won't deal with Powercolor again. Worst rma process I've been through... ugh...
One of my unlocked 290s is a powercolor. Works just like my 2 XFX cards. Powercolor also allows changing your cooler without voiding warranty similar to XFX.
Powercolor is an awesome company. Bought a couple of cards from them over the last 7 years and never had issues. My girlfriend has the Devil R9 270X in her system and the cooler kicks ass.
My previous card was a Power Color 7770. I just started a thread on it in this sub-forum about my recent upgrade to a GTX 770 (Asus branded). Anyway, my PC video card worked just fine as I would expect from a now lower end AMD 7770 card.
I recall them coming to being in the late 90s, starting out in the cheap, often dishonestly labeled crap section at Best Buy, along with brands like Jaton and PNY. You know the type of cards - TNT2 M64 with labels like "Go Force," or massively outdated S3 Virge cards with complicated important sounding names (and bloated price tags to match).

PowerColor started out as one of those purveyors of crap: S3, then PowerVR (not "crap," but way late, so budget-only), then the flash-in-the-pan SIS Xabre series. Somehow they managed to swipe an ATI license (when they finally started allowing 3rd-party builders), and gained some legitimacy in the last decade.

They had the distinction of building the slowest Kyro board ever built - every other OEM was able to ship at 115 MHz reference, but the Evil Kyro was stuck at 100 MHz :D

I never could accept them as a premium brand, so I never bought from them. But they have been around for quite some time, so my opinions are way outdated. Give em a try :D
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I recall them coming to being in the late 90s, starting out in the cheap, often dishonestly labeled crap section at Best Buy, along with brands like Jaton and PNY. You know the type of cards - TNT2 M64 with labels like "Go Force," or massively outdated S3 Virge cards with complicated important sounding names (and bloated price tags to match).

PowerColor started out as one of those purveyors of crap: S3, then PowerVR (not "crap," but way late, so budget-only), then the flash-in-the-pan SIS Xabre series. Somehow they managed to swipe an ATI license (when they finally started allowing 3rd-party builders), and gained some legitimacy in the last decade.

They had the distinction of building the slowest Kyro board ever built - every other OEM was able to ship at 115 MHz reference, but the Evil Kyro was stuck at 100 MHz :D

I never could accept them as a premium brand, so I never bought from them. But they have been around for quite some time, so my opinions are way outdated. Give em a try :D

Actually they were pretty decent and proactive till about 5-6 years ago, now support has dropped off and they don't seem to give a shit. I wish I remembered the old PC rep, he was pretty awesome and would get just about anything taken care of.
Guys, how can I access the website?

I'm still having trouble.

Cleared the cache and flushed the DNS. What do now?
Can't reach their website either. You on Time Warner Cable? It could be your ISP. Call them and tell them that you can't get to the website but others can.
Powercolor coolers suck.



I'm not sure why you think that?
It starts to load and then times out for me on Charter Cable. Anywho, at least at one time (I'm thinking Radeon 9700 days), ATI had used either Sapphire or Powercolor or both to produce its reference cards. The Powercolors probably overclocked better too. Not sure how it is today but they are definitely a card manufacturer.
It starts to load and then times out for me on Charter Cable. Anywho, at least at one time (I'm thinking Radeon 9700 days), ATI had used either Sapphire or Powercolor or both to produce its reference cards. The Powercolors probably overclocked better too. Not sure how it is today but they are definitely a card manufacturer.

Yup. All the way through the early 4k series. I bought 2 4850s (last radeon cards I've ever owned for a slew of reasons) at launch when I worked at Best Buy, and the manufacturer was listed as Powercolor.
Just do a traceroute to their website and you can pinpoint why your connection isn't working. I'd guess that there's a backbone between you and them (used by your ISP) that isn't' getting along or is down.

It probably won't be a long term thing, and your ISP probably can't control it, but either way just do a traceroute to figure out where your connections vomits between you and them.
Powercolor has been hit or miss for me, my 7970 LE had major overheating issues and my last 2 reference 90s have been meh, they didnt want to run stable with any decent overclock
I owned a few power color cards back in the day. Never had an issue and wouldn't hesitate to buy one today.