How is the G5 keyboard?


Limp Gawd
Mar 21, 2002

Been to the store and I saw the new G5 keyboard. It looks really slick and minimal. And since its USB ive been thinking of buying one for my PC to replace my IBM klicky PS2 keyboard from 1988.

I wonder if the keyboard gets dirty fast since the keys are white?
Are there any USB ports on the keyboard so you can connect a USB mouse to it?

Anyone happens to know if the bluetooth version would work with a MSI USB bluetooth device?
Why would you want to replace an IBM clicky keyboard, those things rule! :D
Its great, but a bit to big, plus Im going for the modern look. ..
I have one on display at work so many people are touching it every day and I havent seen it get dirty. Not any faster than any other keyboard. Yes there are two USB ports on back of the kayboard near the cable. I couldnt tell you whether the BlueTooth one would work with a pc, I dont see why not. I have used it on a Mac and it rocks.
The G5 keyboard is WAY better than the older Apple keyboards, but it can't compare to an old Apple Extented Keyboard II! It weighs like six lbs and is generally awesome!
It's a OK keyboard, nothing special. I actually liked the black ones better. I'm using one to type this. Keys are a bit mushy for someone that has used a IBM for so long I'm sure.

There has never been a better keyboard in the world than the IBM model M.
Thanks for the input..

I dont know what do to. IBM keyboard rule, maybe some thirdpart company could make a wireless mod for it :)

But new G5 keyboard looks so cool!!
I dont know.. been using like hundreds of KBs after all these years seems im stuck with logitechs..they doesnt look cool but i like the feeling from typing it..:p
Yeah, I find the apple keyboards to be some of the worst I've used. They're way too mushy for me. Not enough positive response when I type on them, I just can't type as fast with them either because of it.

Does that IBM KB have the spring tech under the keys like the Model M did? IF so I am going to order 2 of them.
I don't want to get off topic but has anyone tried the Apple keyboard with a PS2? I need a USB Keyboard and since most of the PC ones looked out of place I thought that the Apple one would look so cool with a PS2.
Its not a clicky key keyboard. But it is small and fast and very good for gaming. The fact that it has a 2 port usb hub built into it doesnt hurt either.
Interesting, I always found found it a bit on the sluggish side for gaming.

Who knows, lol. :cool:
About those IBM klicky type keyboards.. there are a black version of it thats very rare I think, Ive never seen one outside a fansite for the IBM klicky keyboard.

Theres also a slightly smaller one with the F* buttons in two rows to the left and a version that looks exactly like the klicky version but doesnt have the klicky keys (I have one of those).

I would love to have a black one or the mini IBM keyboard.
I'm a gamer and I use my black Apple keyboard on my watercooled PC. I've been using it for like a year now. If you need access to "print screen" keys etc, then you need to download "Applekeys/Applekeys2".

This keyboard has GREAT response.

Originally posted by ninetysix
I'm a gamer and I use my black Apple keyboard on my watercooled PC. I've been using it for like a year now. If you need access to "print screen" keys etc, then you need to download "Applekeys/Applekeys2".

This keyboard has GREAT response.


Well that's the older Apple keyboard you're talking about isn't it? Some of the apple keyboards were pretty good, I've never liked the new iCandy keyboards they make.

Might be losing my mind, how old is your keyboard?
It should be the EXACT same keyboard as the current G5s except it's black and the USB ports are on the sides.

It's the keyboard that came with the G4s.


Originally posted by ninetysix
It should be the EXACT same keyboard as the current G5s except it's black and the USB ports are on the sides.

I just have to laugh at this....if it is the EXACT keyboard then is should look EXACTLY like the G5...but not to pick nits there are several differences between the Apple keyboard (G5) and the Apple Pro keyboard (G4)...the Pro has an adjustable stand on the bottom so it will tilt and has the USB ports on the side where as the Apple keyboard is a solid base (no tilt) and if I remember right the USB ports are now on the back...there were white pro keyboards but the current Apple keyboard is only available in white