How do I access a mounted ntfs drive?


Oct 28, 2001
I've slogged through all the steps to get a ntfs drive mounted but it isn't showing up in Nemo. I can access it in a round about way through Preferences -> Disks but this won't work, I need it to show up in Nemo.


Actually I need it to sow in Backup Tool.

Never mind. Found the answer on Redit. :)
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I've never had a problem accessing an ntfs partition in Linux. What are you using?
I've never had a problem accessing an ntfs partition in Linux. What are you using?

Mint. I had to install NTFS-3G then jump through hoop to get it to mount automatically and to show up in Nemo. Once done it's done. Works good.

Without the above Mint could see the physical but that was all it could see.
/dev/sda1 /mnt/ntfs ntfs defaults,x-gvfs-show 0 0
The fact this option exists and you had to explicitly enable it is one of the most retarded things I've seen in the Linux world.
Doing this in fstab is a slippery slope. I might be missing something, I'm not an expert.
Can anyone name a valid reason this isn't done higher up, like in Nemo's config?
I'm no fan of Nemo but I haven't been able to find anything better. I discovered while copying a terabyte of data to a ntfs formatted HD that "Skip All" means abort the entire copy operation. In Windows to skip all the like files and continue copying the rest. Whoever designed Nemo is a retard.
I'm no fan of Nemo but I haven't been able to find anything better. I discovered while copying a terabyte of data to a ntfs formatted HD that "Skip All" means abort the entire copy operation. In Windows to skip all the like files and continue copying the rest. Whoever designed Nemo is a retard.
My first and favorite environment was KDE 3.5.5. I might try KDE 4 once Mint21 reaches EOL.
I use xfce and EndeavorOS, its a derivitive of Arch.

Usually all I do is open up the file manager and type at the top "smb://ipaddress". Without the quotes. Then it just asks me for a user/pass.
I click Network Storage in the LHS pane under Dolphin and browse to the share via the GUI. What packaged distro doesn't come with NTFS-3G by default?