How did X11coin fly under the radar?


Limp Gawd
Oct 4, 2005
Released 2 days ago, already .50cents a coin, 5,000+ difficulty with over 300ghash/s net.. have I just not woken up yet? There is someone on the pool I'm on with 2,000mhash/s in X11..
A lot of the really big hashers are just renting through betarigs and what have you.
yup I've been selling my rigs off on betarigs and there's always buyers lined up
That explains the Nicehash bump a few days ago. It was odd as BTC went up to $520+, but the x11 BTC per MH went up as well.

BTW, this coin was discussed .. We mainly all agreed that it was a retarded name for a coin. Hence why many may not have picked up on the discussion. "Litecoin" wasn't called scrypt for a reason.
This is silly, it's like somebody calling a Scrypt coin 'Scrypt Coin'. But whatever makes some $$$ I guess lol