How about those video glasses?


Limp Gawd
May 19, 2001
Instead of getting a larger monitor, I was thinking about getting a pair of video display glasses; however, I'm having a hard time finding any really good reviews. I was hoping there are some of you who are buffs on the subject and could tell me what I'm looking for.

I want them for gaming mainly and I'd like to stay under 1k. My system is a high end gaming rig made in the last 4 months.

So how about it?
i would def try one out b4 spending money on it if possible.

i have a feeling it'll make me sick or smth.
You talking like, video glasses that have the display in them, or the 3d style glasses that make the images appear truely 3d, as opposed to a 3d image displayed on a 2d surface?
just glasses with the display in them... I'm trying to simulate a bigger screen than I can afford :D