HOT! BBA 9800 Pro 256mb Retail $233 SHIPPED @ Newegg

tylerhskate said:
Not exactly a hot deal, but how well does this BBA oc?
You won't find the 256 megs DDR2 version anywhere for under $280. This card is basically a radeon 9800XT underclocked.
jeh, nice deal. one might try an flash it to an xt if one were so inclined. proly shoulda gotten this instead of the herc 9800pro 128mb
Cooling system is insufficient. It will have major artifacting issues at xt speeds unless you get a new cooler which will probably run you 30 bucks for a good one.
im wondering the same thign with the poster above me. i have a shuttle. will it run? =(
I'm a weak man.... :( .....went over to buy the card...spend almost 500 before i was done....
CCCCRRRRRRRAAAAAAPPPPPPP I JUST I mean JUST got my card I orderd from new egg at 268 and change FLUF!!!!!
Call them, they might change it. NewEgg has been good to me :)
Newegg has had this deal before if I remember right. It was a good deal then and it's a good deal now.
SJetski71 said:
You won't find the 256 megs DDR2 version anywhere for under $280. This card is basically a radeon 9800XT underclocked.

[nOOb mode] Is the DDR2 version better oc wise? [/nOOb mode]
Im wondering the same thing. Is there any way it would be justified to drop the extra money on this one instead of a regular Sapphire 9800Pro or something? Either way though, the cooling fan seems well worth it. ;)
Guys, I have to say, I really hate you. I was doing so well passing on upgrades and contenting myself with waiting for PCI express, and other excuses. Now $223 are gone, and I'm actually quite happy about it :)
I just bought this card last week from newegg and recieved it yesterday. We had an extra XT cooler laying around on account of my brother water cooling his rig. I slapped that XT cooler on and flashed it as per Rojakpot's article last night and it is successfully running as a full 256MB Radeon 9800 XT. It was the simplest thing to do in the world, I was amazed at how ridiculously easy it was. It's the almost the exact same damned card.

The only problem is that last week this card was $265 at newegg. I sent them an email, I wonder if they'll price match themselves. I supposed I could always RMA the card, but I think I like newegg too much.

Edit: As a side note: This card doesn't have a heat spreader on the back of it like the "real" XT cards do, so it might run a little hotter than expected. Mine stabilized at 75C at 412Mhz idle.
El Nacho said:
I'm a weak man.... :( .....went over to buy the card...spend almost 500 before i was done....

That's how it always goes, my friend, don't worry about it. :)

The Arctic Cooling VGA Silencer is a very nice buy for a very nice price. How nice? I recall a few months ago a GPU cooler round-up, and the VGA Silencer owned everything significantly, while maintaining silence. We're talking Zalman's best "silent" (fanless) solutions with a fan attached. I use one, and I personally can vouch for it's greatness, and Version 3 (XT supported version) is that much better. Version 2 is the one that was in the round-up, and the finish on the particular version is shit, however 3 has a nice polished base. :)
I have one, Flashed it, OC'd it, it is now a 9800XT running at well past stock speeds with a VGA Silencer and some RAMsinks.

No one will ever think it started out as a cheap pony--cause now it's standing proud in the winnars cricle 'o love baaby taking down the pretty beotches. :D
shoudlnt the mhz for the ram be higher then 680? with it being 256mb
whoa the price did jump back up...good thing I snagged this yesterday night when it was still on sale!

Thanks guys, now the masterpiece is complete!
Yeah, the vga silencer is nice, but the Asus 9800 pro has an amazing cooling system, i'd wait for those prices to come down. Mine not only runs XT speeds fine, it runs perfectly stable and no artifcats to: 440/770, which is the highest it's OC program will let you go.
That sux. I missed it! I read this thread last night and could have bought it, but thought I would wait until today (why I don't know), and now it's gone. That was a great deal.
I allmost waited till today....but i said...."you allways wait.....and you allways miss out on it".

Mine will be here on tuesday.
Ordered mine up yesterday before the price jumped back up, glad I didnt hesitate.
i ordered three :) i just wish egg didn't rape me so hard on taxes cuz i live in NJ.

anyone kno a good place to buy ramsinks? i have a vga silencer already that i had on my 9700.
does anyone know where I can buy the arctic vga silencer and tweakmonster ramsinks together? i'd rather just buy everything together than shop at two different places. thanks!!
rhsiao12 said:
does anyone know where I can buy the arctic vga silencer and tweakmonster ramsinks together? i'd rather just buy everything together than shop at two different places. thanks!!

I just looked for you, and has both of the items you are looking for. Have fun :D

I wish I would of been able to get in on this deal, but I missed the train by only about an hour. Oh well, I ordered my 6800 GT today and it will be here tomorrow.
sandman78 said:
I just looked for you, and has both of the items you are looking for. Have fun :D

I wish I would of been able to get in on this deal, but I missed the train by only about an hour. Oh well, I ordered my 6800 GT today and it will be here tomorrow.

sandman u da man!! thanks bro
i had another related question for you guys..i've read that it is recommended to use arctic silver 5 for installing the arctic vga silencer and arctic alumina for installing tweakmonster's i need to buy these two separately? or could one be used for both? also...if you guys know of any comprehensive tutorial sites that teach you how to install these, i would appreciate it. thanks!