HOLY F^%%^, R600 has 1GB mem, 512bit mem bus, 64 pipes, 1Ghz Core!!!!!!!!

Very funny but Aprils fools jokes get old and this late in the game. You should posted earlier.
This could of been funny if it was posted in the morning, and everyone didnt have their coffee yet and might of actually thought it was true.... but you posted this at 7:20 PM.
Late april fools jokes come from those who've been falling for them all day and want to feel better about themselves =P
LawGiver said:
nope, no such rule. some of you are just too grumpy, LOL.

Actually that is the rule, April Fools is basically the english version of the french day "Poisson d'Avril" (April Fish). Which only goes till noon. And plus, people that play jokes later in the day are just the dumb ones who didnt think of it earlier.
Ducay said:
Actually that is the rule, April Fools is basically the english version of the french day "Poisson d'Avril" (April Fish). Which only goes till noon. And plus, people that play jokes later in the day are just the dumb ones who didnt think of it earlier.

yeah, im dumb. but its still funny.