Heroes of the Storm


Apr 21, 2000
I flew with a kid the other day who was a gamer too. He suggested Heroes of the Storm to me. I've been going through the tutorial, and I like it. It's got the fun of DOTA2 without the damn steep learning curve.

It seems like not many people play it though. Anybody here play?
MOBA market got saturated since LOL, HON, and Dota 2 were the only three. I think most people tend to stick to their first love in this genre.
MOBA market got saturated since LOL, HON, and Dota 2 were the only three. I think most people tend to stick to their first love in this genre.

Yeah. I can see that, especially since the learning curve does tend to be steep.
It's fun for a while but like most of Blizzard's current games it's built to be as shallow as most mobile games so many people get bored and move on to something that's not so basic. You might try Smite if you want a MOBA that's easy to learn while also not being toxic. I've hated LoL and DOTA but have been getting into them now that I've started to figure out the complexity. I started on Smite but would play HOTS, LOL, and DOTA with my friends; now we only play LoL with a smattering of Smite every now and then when we're in the mood for a MOBA.
DOTA 2 is the best try hard MOBA. If you take yourself way too seriously and want to play a game that is shit for pub play choose this. It is built for 5 man team cohesion, which you most players wont have. Pub players watch TI etc and then try to employ those strategies, when in reality those strats do not work in pub play. "Oh EG rolls with riki so I must pick for insta win, hueh hueh hueh". In reality if you play 4 games a night you will waste 3 games with stomps either way. It is boring and sucks.

HOTS is much better for 95% of most MOBA players. Games are shorter and you can actually come back. If you get rolled or roll it will be over in 15 minutes so you can move on.
It's fun for a while but like most of Blizzard's current games it's built to be as shallow as most mobile games so many people get bored and move on to something that's not so basic. You might try Smite if you want a MOBA that's easy to learn while also not being toxic. I've hated LoL and DOTA but have been getting into them now that I've started to figure out the complexity. I started on Smite but would play HOTS, LOL, and DOTA with my friends; now we only play LoL with a smattering of Smite every now and then when we're in the mood for a MOBA.

I'll check out Smite.
HotS > all other MOBA's. Where the first point of the game is to have fun.

Smite has a bunch of modes that are just for fun. Arena, Assault, and the MOTD are all a blast. I've actually been having fun with LoL now that I'm figuring it out a bit; plus troll builds can be hilarious.
Smite has a bunch of modes that are just for fun. Arena, Assault, and the MOTD are all a blast. I've actually been having fun with LoL now that I'm figuring it out a bit; plus troll builds can be hilarious.

I plan to continue playing HotS until my basic skill pick up a bit. Then I'll move on to SMITE. Maybe I'll move on from there, or maybe it will still seem like to much studying to get better. ;)
Play whatever you enjoy the most. I jump around a lot. I'll play LoL until I'm frustrated then get on a Smite kick and then I'll roll to some new MOBA just to see how it is.
Tried LoL years back, couldn't get into it. Something about HotS has me addicted, rank 1, like 1,500 games played now. :bored: They do a decent job with balance, although new heroes can be out of wack. Still not sure what they're thinking of with Li Ming...
I've been playing HoTS quite a bit over the last year. New heroes are indeed initially OP followed by a nerf a few weeks later-- i guess after sales slow down. I can't say I'm a fan of how they've handled ranking and placement in ranked play, but overall the game is loads of fun.
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HotS is like playing go-fish instead of poker.

It's a children's game.
Heroes of the Storm 2.0 Update will change a lot, and they're adding Diablo II's Amazon, javazon
It gets repetitive. But I've had hours and hours of entertainment with $0 out of pocket. Not bad if you ask me
Been playing the shit outta 2.0 with the free 20 pack. have 30+ heroes level 5 in the last month. Good times ragefist#1109 hit me up.

I reallly really like the casual, non-toxic feel. Some get salty in competitive but not many in quickmatch.

OH, they are also doing a giveaway from 5 loot boxes up to a $3000 PC and blizzcon tickets. Win a game for entry up to 7 times a week, ending soon.
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Garrosh was not at the top of my list.

Maybe he'll be like Axe from Dota 2? But probably they need to have more tanks instead.