
Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
Here is the Metro Exodus - Uncovered trailer. Metro Exodus is a post-apocalyptic first person shooter set in Russia during a nuclear winter. The game features varied environments that seasonally change; combat against mutants, humans and more. Grab a preorder copy exclusively on the Epic Store today!

Famed for their gripping atmosphere, intense gameplay, powerful story-telling and hauntingly realised game world, Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light have earned their reputation as cult classics. Now, we are ready to release the long-anticipated Metro Exodus. Five years in the making, it builds on the series' strengths while offering players a new sensation of freedom and exploration in the wastelands of post-apocalyptic Russia. For newcomers to the series, this video explores the unique world and deep gameplay features of Metro Exodus.
one game in years I'm excited about... one game! There's no fricken way im installing epic store software on my machine. So when its under $20 in a couple of years... maybe... but thats a big fricken maybe.
Because i hate having to install another piece of software just to play a certain game... in the future we will need an app to keep track of the store apps that keep track of games.... im old and hate
Well sure, it is annoying. I don't really mind having multiple storefronts (yay competition), but as of now they are just variously flavored DRM traps. If Epic store functioned like GoG I'd have much less reservations about taking my business there.
That said I don't mind installing the Epic launcher all that much, I'll just get rid of it once I'm done with the game, same with UPlay, Origin, etc.
Why is it such a big deal?

for me.. i simply dont want to give my CC info to yet another website that i am sure will get hacked and lose my data.

plus.. you simply cannot compare to the selection on steam. Plus its a WHOLE lot more then a simple store front. Steam workshop and its ability to make adding mods much easier, is a not so small selling point
Because Epic bribed the publisher to remove the game from Steam two weeks before launch. That's just slimy any way you look at it.

Won't be buying this one and encouraging Epic's behavior.

This practice is everywhere in the business world. Everywhere. Epic is taking a far less bit out of Metro's profits, while also competing against giants. I can see why Metro chose this route. Plus who knows, Epic might be taking an even smaller bite trying to lure this mega release for launcher attention.

Epic launcher is just yet another launcher we will have to deal with. No different than Steam, Blizzard, Origins and the multitude of others which will only grow.

for me.. i simply dont want to give my CC info to yet another website that i am sure will get hacked and lose my data.

I suggest getting a locked Credit Card at $300 or purchase gift/burner cards if this is a concern. There is no online storefront or payment system safe from getting hacked.
This practice is everywhere in the business world.

Game exclusives are not a new thing, true. but using one platform to advertise for weeks and months and start getting pre-orders on, to then YANK it completely with just a little over 2 weeks to go is a pretty shitty move.

and thats really THE issue i have with this whole thing. You want to make a game exclusive to one store, fine thats your call. You do that when you announce the game and release it for pre-orders. thats how it is done.

i actually wouldnt be surprised if steam just yanked deep silver's entire library from their store in response to their shenanigans
It's less having to install multiple clients and more having to manage multiple game libraries in disparate locations, all of which may have significant dollars invested in them. It's the downside of digital distribution I suppose. Origin, Steam, Epic, Microsoft, Each one has exclusive games I'd like to play that I often pass on. Its getting to the point where I feel like I'd need to keep a list of where all my games are. The fact that it is a political/financial limitation and not a technical one just makes the whole thing feel shitty.

I'm also tired of constantly hearing how horrible Indie developers have it on Steam. Indie developers have had immense success over the last decade 100% because of Steam. That said, yeah, I get it, the split is better on Epic, but revenue(and thus profits) more likely than not will be significantly worse for the foreseeable future. If you have it so hard on Steam and seek the need to complain, why do you stay there if it's so awful? And if Epic is paying you a stupid amount of money to be exclusive on their platform, awesome! Just don't pretend you are doing it for a larger percentage of the sales, you got bought.
"Folds arms"...nope aint going to do it.... im holding my ground. Pick your battles...this is mine!.. windows xp 3gb install, and i was happy... windows 10 comes along 48+gb install.... lost that
I'm also tired of constantly hearing how horrible Indie developers have it on Steam. Indie developers have had immense success over the last decade 100% because of Steam. That said, yeah, I get it, the split is better on Epic, but revenue(and thus profits) more likely than not will be significantly worse for the foreseeable future. If you have it so hard on Steam and seek the need to complain, why do you stay there if it's so awful?
Because Steam has a de facto monopoly on the PC gaming market (estimated around 50-70%, although that includes AAA games, so for indie games it's likely much higher). It's amazing how many people don't understand this. Sure, they CAN release them on other platforms, but they take the same cut and won't get enough sales to survive, so realistically they have to accept whatever Steam's terms are. It's the same as someone trying to get seen in a video and NOT posting on Youtube. Technically possible, but not realistic. This is why monopolies are bad, they stifle competition by design and they set the standards also. Even if they're pulling shady practices, Epic store is literally the only competition to Steam I'm aware of to buck the 70/30 trend.
Game exclusives are not a new thing, true. but using one platform to advertise for weeks and months and start getting pre-orders on, to then YANK it completely with just a little over 2 weeks to go is a pretty shitty move.

and thats really THE issue i have with this whole thing. You want to make a game exclusive to one store, fine thats your call. You do that when you announce the game and release it for pre-orders. thats how it is done.

I hear ya and can agree. To tease it for the advertising perhaps and then pull it suddenly is kinda shady.
I have played through the first, fooled with second and really its just a graphics upgrade. I'll keep playing Fallout 76 as I think its a better game. ;)
Where can I get some of the stuff you're smoking?

You can't. I have a Star Dog cross and a High End cross no one else has. ;) I squeeze this and make wonderful vaporizable goodness for my Brindle Farms Ti nail.

Its probably your pitiful drugs make you think like you do. ;)
I wonder what this will require for 60 frame rates at 1440P. I for one hope it takes advantage of multi core CPUs. I am doubting my 2700X will be up for the task. I'm talking about not using RTX of course.
I wonder what this will require for 60 frame rates at 1440P. I for one hope it takes advantage of multi core CPUs. I am doubting my 2700X will be up for the task. I'm talking about not using RTX of course.
It's less having to install multiple clients and more having to manage multiple game libraries in disparate locations, all of which may have significant dollars invested in them. It's the downside of digital distribution I suppose. Origin, Steam, Epic, Microsoft, Each one has exclusive games I'd like to play that I often pass on. Its getting to the point where I feel like I'd need to keep a list of where all my games are. The fact that it is a political/financial limitation and not a technical one just makes the whole thing feel shitty.

I'm also tired of constantly hearing how horrible Indie developers have it on Steam. Indie developers have had immense success over the last decade 100% because of Steam. That said, yeah, I get it, the split is better on Epic, but revenue(and thus profits) more likely than not will be significantly worse for the foreseeable future. If you have it so hard on Steam and seek the need to complain, why do you stay there if it's so awful? And if Epic is paying you a stupid amount of money to be exclusive on their platform, awesome! Just don't pretend you are doing it for a larger percentage of the sales, you got bought.

Steam is far worse for indies now than it ever has been before and its only getting worse. Why do you think so many indie devs have been jumping to consoles over the last few years? This is especially true for the Switch. Valve's complete lack of care about their store, about organization, about curation, and focus on bending over backwards to only please AAA publishers, makes it increasingly hard to indie devs to get noticed. Indies are having to put more money into marketing and more of them are partnering with indie publishers like Devolver Digital that have the resources to get marketing done in order to get the kind of notice that would have been much easier back when Valve actually cared to curate Steam.
Because Steam has a de facto monopoly on the PC gaming market (estimated around 50-70%, although that includes AAA games, so for indie games it's likely much higher). It's amazing how many people don't understand this. Sure, they CAN release them on other platforms, but they take the same cut and won't get enough sales to survive, so realistically they have to accept whatever Steam's terms are. It's the same as someone trying to get seen in a video and NOT posting on Youtube. Technically possible, but not realistic. This is why monopolies are bad, they stifle competition by design and they set the standards also. Even if they're pulling shady practices, Epic store is literally the only competition to Steam I'm aware of to buck the 70/30 trend.

I understand that, though I wouldn't go as far as to call them a Monopoly(there is significantly more stores than Epic, many quoted in this thread). It's just irrelevant. It's 70/30 now, did it used to be more in line with Epic? Or was it 70/30 back when Steam was getting credit for sparking the Indy revolution. Honest question as I don't know.

In any case, I'm not anti-competition, but personally I'd rather have a 2(3 tops) store fronts, but things are really starting to get worryingly fragmented with exclusives. Off the top of my head, if you aren't buying from Microsoft, Steam, Origin, AND Epic and managing the associated clients, you are going to be missing out on very high profile games. CD Projekt Red is working on their own and I fully expect Rockstar to do the same. I wish I could buy from anywhere and have a centralized platform to manage the games post sale, that'd be ideal.

Steam is far worse for indies now than it ever has been before and its only getting worse. .

Again, are there specifics around this? I understand they recently gave larger publishers nicer terms, have Indy developers recently had theirs decreased? In what specific ways is it bad now that differs from a few years ago. I'm all for giving Indy developers more cash, but I still haven't seen a concrete reason for all the hate. As far as jumping to consoles, I'd expect they sell far more copies there and they are easier to develop/publish for now than 10 years ago. Why wouldn't they?
Also pretty much every game on my Steam Store page is an Indy game, so I don't know about the idea of them not getting visibility.
Because i hate having to install another piece of software just to play a certain game... in the future we will need an app to keep track of the store apps that keep track of games.... im old and hate

I sort of get it, but it's also necessary - without competition we're the ones who are the bitches. Imagine if there was only one supermarket (and I do realise there are only a few 'main' companies in each country, with multiple brands, but there are still multiple..).
Or maybe it's because they offered a better deal to Deep Silver? Occam's Razor and all?
No, Tim Sweeney has already admitted they're bribing publishers. That's not competition. That's anti-competition.
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are hard copies available for the PC? I couldn't find anywhere to order a copy.

Yes. This is the other backlash that's raging - people that bought the physical copy believing it would be attached to Steam, getting bait-and-switched with an Epic key.

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Yes. This is the other backlash that's raging - people that bought the physical copy believing it would be attached to Steam, getting bait-and-switched with an Epic key.

View attachment 138794

They need to give people what they paid for or an option to activate it on Steam as well. If you pre-ordered a Steam key you had better get a Steam key. I doubt too many are effected by this though as I think most PC gamers do digital these days.
They need to give people what they paid for or an option to activate it on Steam as well. If you pre-ordered a Steam key you had better get a Steam key. I doubt too many are effected by this though as I think most PC gamers do digital these days.

As far as Ive read, everyone who had a steam preorder, up to the day the game was pulled gets a steam key.
People with physical discs will have to use Epic.

I also think it sucks.

I really want this game, but I just might wait the year until it's back on steam. I can wait. Plus it will be cheaper. Also the second Gen RTX will probably be out and may make ray tracing cool in this game.

The only thing interesting is the fact Epic has it right now for 49 bucks.
if you want the Steam key version you'll have to buy it on eBay after the game is shipped ... likely for 2x - 4x the regular price.

IMO if sales are and remain brisk via Epic it will be 1 yr until it posts on Steam but if sales suffer due to the "Epic only" stuff I bet it will post on Steam sooner.

I use Steam and Origin ... I don't want a third client
My god... I understand that having more than 10 providers would be inconvenient and annoying... But if you cannot handle a few ... life must be hard... do you go to just one or two restaurants to be sure that you will not get loss on your way there??

I would've preferred a discussion how the original game ammo was more scarce, where you had to literally make a tactical decision between wasting bullets and therefore wasting you're money, as ammo served directly as currency.
And the new videos make it look like Metro has gone full open world fun shooter.

But everyone's panties are tied up in the no Steam store storie
Another launcher I don't have to open when I just double click the games icon, shrugs
I really do think at the end of the day, the people who really want this game will buy it. Anyone who is on the fence may not because of the No steam thing, but in reality were they ever going to get it in the first place. Because if this is a game you really really want to play, it's nonsense to not get it just because it has gone to Epic only.