Helping convincing a parent between 3G and 3Gs???

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Jan 19, 2005
Well my whole family will be getting Iphones, even my very computer/tech illiterate mother.

Now it's a very easy decision to get her the 99$ 3G.

However for me and my father it's a different story. For him, he doesnt see the use of the 3GS and seems rather intent on the idea of getting a 99$ for himself, citing some rather so-so written article comparing the 3g,3gs and Palm Pre citing the 99$ 3G as the best deal (ignoring the fact that it cites this for a specific market and for a somewhat minor pricing gap).

He as a result doesnt think I should get the 3GS either, even though I generally see the extra features as pretty worth it (at least the compass as it relates to navigation, the longer battery life especially, and what appears to be an actual functional camera with Auto Focus/ Stabilization).

So, how do I make a compelling argument that it's the better choice to get? For myself, but also for him?
If he actually won't really use the new features then the regular 3G would be fine for him and your mom. For you though, just explain how it's worth it for you to get the extra space and features and if that doesn't work, just offer to pay the extra $100.
The $99 3G is the best deal overall.

Just pay the extra $100 yourself, or use the Bing cashback deal to get your 3GS for $129 if you can.
pony up the hondo and be thankful your parents are buying you an iphone
you know, I asked a pretty legitimate question about convincing someone of the benefits of a 3gs over a regular 3g in regards to how they would benefit from it. There is no need to say several times over for me to "pony up" the money myself, and completely ignore the actual question I took the time to post.

If you're going to simply ignore my question and be beligerent because I chose to offer a situation around my query and chose to focus on that instead, do me a favor and not post your answer, as it is of little use or interest to me.
That's just the thing, there is no deal breaking thing that the 3G is missing this go around, the 3GS is nice yes, and it's awesome for power users like you and me, but I'm in the same situation you are, except I'm paying for my whole 32GB 3GS, and my dad's 99$ 3G for Father's Day *and* I'm giving my mom my 16GB 3G as a hand-me-down, so buck up the hondo like everyone is saying, gosh.

The 3GS is nice, but you won't be able to convince them that it's *that* much nicer, there is a good video on Gizmodo showing them side by side doing similar tasks and the 3GS does look very good in that video, but your parents also have to think about the added costs of data plans for everyone, just like mine are.

When the iPhone came out initially, I got a new number on a new contract all by myself and paid for the months between when I was able to switch my whole family to AT&T because it ended up being cheaper than our Verizon bill *and* we'd get the ability to use our phones internationally as my parents were taking quite a few trips abroad the next year, so it made sense for them.
you know, I asked a pretty legitimate question about convincing someone of the benefits of a 3gs over a regular 3g in regards to how they would benefit from it. There is no need to say several times over for me to "pony up" the money myself, and completely ignore the actual question I took the time to post.

If you're going to simply ignore my question and be beligerent because I chose to offer a situation around my query and chose to focus on that instead, do me a favor and not post your answer, as it is of little use or interest to me.

The honest truth is, unless your a tech nut and need the latest and greatest, there really is no real benefit of 3Gs over 3G.

Answer these questions:
Is the extra processor speed going to make a huge difference for you? Where and why would it?

Do you absolutely need to record video? For what purpose?

Do you really need to use voice control?


Now if you're willing to pay the difference in cost for the 3Gs, it makes it far easier to justify. You simply want those extra features and are willing to pay for them.

As it stands right now, all we see is that your parents decided that a lower-end phone is more cost effective, and they are the ones paying for it.
My parents havent decided anything, and as i explained before i'm not really interested in advice pertaining to things outside my question, which really is just focused on me convincing someone else the benefits of a 3GS over a 3G, outside of that I dont really feel anyone is qualified to make comparative statements about what "i" should do as far as paying for my phone, nor am i interested in them.

Honestly, the only reason I even set up the example is due to who I am convincing, as it is different than someone my own age, or a non-relative, if I had known the answers would have gotten seriously bogged down by unecesary (and largely unsolicited) advice, I would have just left it out so I could get more useful responses.

As for the features themselves, all i've deigned so far is that the camera on the 3g regular is essentially useless since everything is blurred and unstabilized. Having extra batery life is always nice (could write a whole blog on the folley of buying something that needs to function as an MP3 player, phone and internet browser all in one), and that apparently I didnt even know the 3g regular didnt have some kind of compass so when navigating on the GPS it would not be able to orient you in the proper direction.
you know, I asked a pretty legitimate question about convincing someone of the benefits of a 3gs over a regular 3g in regards to how they would benefit from it. There is no need to say several times over for me to "pony up" the money myself, and completely ignore the actual question I took the time to post.

If you're going to simply ignore my question and be beligerent because I chose to offer a situation around my query and chose to focus on that instead, do me a favor and not post your answer, as it is of little use or interest to me.

Simple, the 3G for $99 is a better deal and having a stinchy father my self I can tell you your screwed. Paying your $100 yourself is the only thing that is going to get through to your old man, all he sees is the price, he can't see a compass, an extra couple of hours and a 'slightly' faster CPU as justifying $100 more.

Pony up the damn $100 dollars. They aren't belligerent, they are being honest and expressing experience that you lack. A stinchy father is a fact of life, but he will teach you a thing or two about saving money.
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