Help with odd mouse behavior


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 29, 2005
Hey guys. So I have this odd problem. My logitech mouse will not let me single click a link. I have to click than click again or do a quick double click. I also am having problems dragging/selecting. These are all recent problems. I've checked my mouse settings and everything is how it should be. Any ideas? My mouse is a few years old and could be on its death bed?
windows 8
wireless laser.

click works on some links others not.
the microswitch on its last leg. If you can tinker something can still be done. Guess its time for a replacement.

wonder what you got for replacement...
Hey guys. So I have this odd problem. My logitech mouse will not let me single click a link. I have to click than click again or do a quick double click. I also am having problems dragging/selecting. These are all recent problems. I've checked my mouse settings and everything is how it should be. Any ideas? My mouse is a few years old and could be on its death bed?
windows 8
wireless laser.

click works on some links others not.

The button is wore out. Call logitech support and they might send you a replacement. Otherwise you can attempt to fix it yourself by opening up the mouse and fixing it yourself, there are guides on the internet.
When I had mouse dragging/selecting problems it was because my wireless mouse was being buggered by all the other wireless things I had added over time. I had to switch to a wired mouse which I got to like a lot more.
I just managed to fix my double clicking M505! Like it so much that attempted to fix the left microswitch. So far it is working. And today I have changed them batts to lithium cells..... man it flies. With lighter batteries using the M505 is so much better. I do hope that I will get many more months of service out of the M505, they are no longer in the market on this side of the world.