Help with a memory decision.


Mar 30, 2003
Tis the season to upgrade, and I now have the money to get myself some new RAM and a new CPU.

I have a pretty good idea on what my CPU will be, it will be a 2.4-3.0c (gonna decide after I choose my ram).

As for ram, I'm looking at DDR400 so I can sync the CPU and RAM timings easy, but I'm not sure what brand. I do know I want 1 gig though.

So far I'm considering:

Corsair XMS

But I'm not sure of what else I should consider. Suggestions would be appreciated.

Edit: Running on a P4C800-E Deluxe Motherboard
hey eclipse, inform this gentleman about TCCD (or 5b-g), because I don't have time right now - leaving for a week.
sure thing, have a nice christmas vacation :D :D don't party too much, hehe

all right, i'll give you the lowdown on samsung tccd and micron 5b-g chips

as a general rule of thumb, tccd ram is always pc3200 that is rated for 2-2-2 timings. it is good for overclocking. if you're willing to raise timings a lot, ram based on tccd will do at the least 250mhz. average seems to be around 270mhz, with some random ones over 300mhz.
it doesn't respond well to voltage. don't go out and buy an ocz booster in hopes of overclocking further, cause 2.8-2.9v seems to be all it needs
here is some ram based on tccd. i would recommend them

however, due to the sudden rise in popularity of these chips, their price is going up a lot. it used to be cheap, now it's not. this is where micron 5b-g comes in. it's been around longer in the form of crucial ballistix. i have personal experience with this ram, and it rocks. 244mhz at 2.5-2-2-5 has to count for something. anandtech did a test that put the upper limit of their stick at 297mhz. given this is on an a64 system, so your mileage may be slightly different, but it seems that the micron chips perform similarily on amd and intel setups, which is something tccd does not do. tccd definitly performs better on a64's than intel
plus, the price of ballistix is really cheap at the egg right now

considering the price of the ballistix, it gets my recommendation ;)
and damn, someone needs to make a sticky about the various type of ram, and what they're good for. i'll help, hehe
Interesting, very very interesting.

I'm gonna seriously consider that Ballistix ram.
Would you still prefer Ballistix over this, granted that the prices are almost identical?

I personally will be running a Neo2 Plat with 90nm 3000+.
Strangely enough, two completely different chips provide very similar performance, in this case.
RawsonDR said:
Would you still prefer Ballistix over this, granted that the prices are almost identical?

I personally will be running a Neo2 Plat with 90nm 3000+.

I will be running the same setup and I was looking at that Patriot RAM too. What would you reccomend between the two eclipse?