Help w/ FTP stuff


Feb 14, 2004
before i start heres what i got

Machine w/XP Pro SP2
Behind a Microsoft Router w/Firewall (wired)
2 NIC cards, only 1 of which is enabled at this time.

What i wanna do is setup the machine so people i know (global) can connect and download files that i want to share, mainly maps for games.

What is the easiest way i can go about doing this?

I've tried the built in FTP w/windows XP pro and havn't had any luck. I've used programs such as WS_FTP and CuteFTP but i dont know where to get started Hosting. I've only used them for client connections.

Also will i have to foward any ports on the router or set static ip? thanks
The server software I recommend is:

Install it. Configuration is minimal and should be pretty easy to figure out.

If you have a static IP its pretty easy. Just set up your router to foward requests that come in on port 21 tothe machine that you have the server running on. Create users and/or groups in filezilla and you should be off running.

If you have a dynamic IP then you have a bit more work in front of you. Unless you want to buy a domain name and use a service that will update your IP realtime (I dont know the names of them as i dont use them) you can do that. Otherwise you will have to let your friends know your new ip if/when it changes.

Good luck.