HELP!! new system is being crappy


Jul 8, 2004
i just put my new comp together
specs are:
amd 2500+ mobile
abit nf7-s
512 corsair pc3200
WD SATA 80gb
lite on combo drive
random vid card
second hdd is an old seagate 60gb

im having a bunch of problems. when the comp turns on it doesnt recognize the cpu and it says it runs at 600mhz. it says to press f1 to continue or DEL to go to the set up.
i put the windows CD in the CD drive and the comp just goes and recognizes all the drives and then tries to do something with the DMI something.. and then just never does anything else? does anyone know whats wrong? the mobo came with a floppy disk for the SATA drivers and a driver CD for the mobo. do i need to put those in first? do i need to put the windows CD in first? what do i need to do to get this comp set up??? im really frustrated right now and im a pretty big n00b when it comes to this stuff. please help me. :(
You have a mobile, so you need to make sure the FSB and multiplier are set correctly. THat is done in the BIOS

When you are installing windows, it will say "Press F6 to install RAID/SCSI drivers" or something, press F6 and put in your disk. WIndows doesn't have SATA drivers so it can't recognize your drive. After that you should be able to install just fine.
You may also need to get the newest bios for that board for it to properly run the mobile cpu.