Help! Network homework.


May 5, 2001
Sorry I know this isn't a homework forum but i don't know where else to post this.

"Using the same organization you selected in the unit one individual project complete the following.
As you know, networked systems consist of multiple computers that are networked together, usually with a common operating system and shared resources. You spoke with your client about this and they would like to have a networking system which links the systems of all of their locations.

Research the various network operating systems available using the Cybrary and/or other credible online sources. Create a PowerPoint Presentation that you will deliver to your client which summarizes the different network operating systems, and the characteristics of each. (In the PowerPoint presentation be sure to place your main points on the slide and the information to support each of those points in the speaker’s notes section of PowerPoint. Download the PowerPoint Guide if you need extra help developing your PowerPoint presentation.)Make sure to highlight any differences and/or similarities between operating systems for computers that are networked and computers that stand alone. Recommend two network operating systems and explain why these would be appropriate. Compare and contrast each of these so that your client can make the best decision for their organization."

What operating systems do you guys recommend using? If you guys find the following sentence to be a bit confusing/not make sense i feel the same way .... "Make sure to highlight any differences and/or similarities between operating systems for computers that are networked and computers that stand alone." I'm going to ask the professor what she means by that.

thank you in advance
Most common ones out there
Novell Netware (6.5sp3 is the newest)
Windows 2003

Youll have to do the research on them your self, I already went through that crap more than my fair share of times
Well it sounds to me they are asking what OS to run on all your client machines, as its talking about multiple computers. You may want to include both Server OS' and Client OS' in the presentation.

As far as your clients and the "Make sure to highlight any differences and/or similarities between operating systems for computers that are networked and computers that stand alone." sentince - you may go with Windows XP Home on standalone PC's as you probably wouldn't need the features of WinXP pro (multiple CPU support, works with domains, etc) But your networked clients will probably want WinXP pro so they can join a domain (provided you are going to go with a windows server environment). Hard to give reccomendations not knowing the size of the company and its needs (I know this is fake but still).

As for the Server's - Novell Netware, *nix, and Win2k3 Server are the main 3 options, *nix especailly going linux is going to be cheaper, server 2k3 has a lot of support, will let you do domains, can setup an exchange server if you want to use outlook throughout the company, etc. Novell, well I'm not going there because I don't know much about novell other than I don't care for it too much.

Not sure if that helps at all or is just going to confuse you further :p mostly just rambling on trying to pass the time at work hehe

-Matt :cool:
the organization is the following...

Organization C: This is a county library with 15 locations, 400 employees, approximately 50,000 patrons and over 500,000 books, magazines, videos, and CDs.

This is going to be a general presentation, nothing crazy in depth since its just for my first IT class which is called "Concepts in Information Technology"