Help me interpret these temperatures


Apr 6, 2006
So I usually know what is going on, but these temps confuse me:

The top three temperatures seem strange. How can my CPU be that much lower? What is AUX? Is Motherboard a sensor in the northbridge or is it ambient temperature? Thanks for the help, I am feeling retarded right now.
probably a buggy cpu sensor, or maby it's reading 10C to cool or something, honestly not sure.
seems likely you're just getting crossed signals between sensors and how the labels are being read. should be easy to weed out a few possibilities by first stressing the CPU while GPU sits idle...highest temp will be CPU, next highest is NB, the 2 that are same/similar are the 2 HDs (RAID?)... then stress GPU while watching CPU activity in Task Manager to make sure its not rev'ing up too.

Just be happy you're getting that much just a matter of sorting out the labels... ;)
I think on this one the real readinds are:
CPU = 70 (GPU)
NB = 42 (AUX)
GPU = 36 (MB)
MB/Case = 27 (CPU)
and the 2 HDs are reporting correctly if its a RAID array, but if not in RAID then temp probably won't be exactly same on both, so one sensor mabe giving reading for 2.

My guess is that with labels crossed, the CPU started to warm up and the Smart Fan never changed RPMs...its still reading a paltry 1300ish. So CPU was allowed to climb all the way to 70, pulling the NB along with it, while the GPU ignored it all and idled along.

So if I'm right, u need to straighten out bios, as that's where a CPU Smartfan would get instructions, unless disabled or target temp set too high while fan being controlled by a utility. Its a theory anyway...some testing will clear up the picture...
Okay, here are some more temps. The one on the left is with the fan at normal speed, the one on the right is the fan at the low RPM I usually use.



After Video Load:

So I guess it kinda looks like the AUX is my CPU temperature, buuut then I'm confused about the top two. The GPU temp seems about right, though. Here are some other details:

-The GPU is passively cooled (its a 7600GS), so the reason why it was so high in the first shot I posted was because it had just run 3dmark.
-My CPU heatsink is cool to the touch under load, the GPU is warm, and the northbridge is really hot.
-Northbridge is also a passive zalman heatsink.
-Case could definitely be better ventilated, but I'm working on that.
-The passive northbridge heatsink (the really hot one) is right next to the passive GPU heatsink, so that might be heating each other up.

Thanks for the help.