Heating up a bit


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - April 2008
Aug 9, 2001
Well, it seems Spring is finally here for me. It's been in the upper 70s and low 80s the last few days now. Unfortunately, this seems to have affected my ability to fold a bit.

For the moment, all my quads are running just fine even if around 65C for temps. However, it seems my X2 is a different story. I'm not sure of the temps since the temp probes on them are rather crappy as far as reporting temps. I didn't think the temps were too bad but that doesn't seem to be the case. I had it running 3.0Ghz with 1.4 vcore. Unfortunately I had to drop that down to 2.9Ghz with 1.35 vcore. Since doing this the system has stopped locking up.

The ambient temps around my desks and 7 computers is currently 83F while the temp outside is 63F. This is with a couple windows open (one of which is behind one of my desks) and a fan circulating air.

At this time there is no way I'm turning on the a/c as it's nowhere near warm enough for that yet. But, do not worry. I should be moving at least a few computers into my bedroom (which stays much cooler) and one into my son's room. That should seriously cut down on the heat in the hottest room in my apartment which will be a good thing. Plus, it will help save my overclocks.

Anyone else running into heat problems just yet? If so, what are you doing about it?

Supposed to hit 100s this weekend. A/C has been on about a month now.
It takes an extra .05v on the vcore for 100mhz more on the X2? I'd say just leave it at 2.9Ghz if it's stable at 1.35v.
It takes an extra .05v on the vcore for 100mhz more on the X2? I'd say just leave it at 2.9Ghz if it's stable at 1.35v.

I go with the highest stable overclock I can get. I would actually try for higher but I don't have a cooler good enough to go higher as it only has an Arctic Cooling Freezer64. If I had a better heatsink I would probably try and dump some more voltage through it to see if I could get higher than 3.0.

What I plan on doing eventually is dropping a Phenom x4 into the system as long as the BIOS supports the newer 9x50 processors. I have not checked up on that yet and the price on them is too high at this point. I would rather use that kind of money going for another Intel quad.

Grats on 2 Mil Smoke!


I installed a ceiling fan in the study.

I moved my boxen to the basement a couple of months back. Once it went above freezing outside my boxen where to much for the small room.

Grats Smoke,

And my Condo building looks like it might turn on the A/C maybe as soon as thursday! Friday is going to be 80 in the burbs adn 75 in Chicago which means it will be 90 in my server room if we don't get the A/C turned on.

Although I do have more fans coming just in case that I will be installing on Thursday to hopefully thwart the heat!

Grats again on 2M!!

I tend to keep a summer OC and a winter OC. I live in TX and yes it is already DAMN hot here. We've been mid 80's all week and I suspect it won't get better :(

I am lucky that my wife absolutely HATES summer and prefers to keep the house a nice 70 inside. We're in a new house and very well insulated so it won't cost us nearly as much as our apartment to keep cool. That place was pathetic due to lack of insulation and our neighbors who during the day weren't home and kept their houses like ovens.

I need to install a ceiling fan and get some of the cold air circulated in my home office. We do tend to keep our blinds closed so that helps keep the heat out. It actually gets a little chilly at night (drops down to maybe 70 now).

All of my boxen are currently in the basement, where it is nice and cool :cool:

Although I do have more fans coming just in case that I will be installing on Thursday to hopefully thwart the heat!

Even more than this:


My God! Where are you going to put them all??? :D
Here in Victoria, BC it is pretty cool year around. Winters are mild, and in summers it
is rare for it to hit the 80's. AC is not common. My vintage car doesn't even have AC!
Which is fine until we venture off Vancouver Island.

Today my wife and I are actually heading to Arizona to get warm, knowing that my boxen here will be purring away with temps in the 10-12C range.

Anyone know of some good computer stores in the Phoenix area?

And, congrats Smoke on the 2M!

Fold on mighty [H]orde.

All of my boxen are currently in the basement, where it is nice and cool :cool:

Even more than this:


My God! Where are you going to put them all??? :D

I have another set of 2 windows that need the Ghetto airconditioning!

I have another set of 2 windows that need the Ghetto airconditioning!

What are you using to power all of those fans? I remember reading you were powering the ones in the closet using one of the boxens molex, but what about the window?

There are 2 frys electronics one in tempe on Baseline & I-10 and one in Phoenix I-17 & Thunderbird.

Not going to get much better than Fry's in Arizona and it hasn't hit 100 yet so it shouldn't be too bad temp wiz.

Here in Victoria, BC it is pretty cool year around. Winters are mild, and in summers it
is rare for it to hit the 80's. AC is not common. My vintage car doesn't even have AC!
Which is fine until we venture off Vancouver Island.

Today my wife and I are actually heading to Arizona to get warm, knowing that my boxen here will be purring away with temps in the 10-12C range.

Anyone know of some good computer stores in the Phoenix area?

And, congrats Smoke on the 2M!

Fold on mighty [H]orde.

How about getting a portable air conditioning unit?

I have no method of mounting an A/C unit on the window its a very odd window. Plus we have central air in the condo... well that is once they turn the blooming AC on!

And to answer someone else's question I have a cheap craptastic powersupply that came with the Best Buy cases powering the fans. I have it hooked up so I can just turn on a switch and they come on.

I have no method of mounting an A/C unit on the window its a very odd window. Plus we have central air in the condo... well that is once they turn the blooming AC on!

And to answer someone else's question I have a cheap craptastic powersupply that came with the Best Buy cases powering the fans. I have it hooked up so I can just turn on a switch and they come on.

Not a window a/c unit but a portable unit that can be wheeled from room to room like this:

Portable A/C Unit
True, but all the quads in the world won't do a bit of good melted
True back atcha but Smoke and Sunin seem to be getting by just fine until their building managers turn on the A/C. If I know central A/C is right around the corner and I have $300 to spend, I'm getting a quad. :D

True back atcha but Smoke and Sunin seem to be getting by just fine until their building managers turn on the A/C. If I know central A/C is right around the corner and I have $300 to spend, I'm getting a quad. :D

Oh, I can turn on the a/c anytime I want. As for now I don't need to turn it on and I prefer to save on the electric bill so I'll wait until it's necessary.

Oh, I can turn on the a/c anytime I want. As for now I don't need to turn it on and I prefer to save on the electric bill so I'll wait until it's necessary.

You only turn the A/C on when you're nekkid then ......... :p
No clothes + overheat = Air con needed.
Good way to test when you need to start useing it as any.

Luck .......... :D
True back atcha but Smoke and Sunin seem to be getting by just fine until their building managers turn on the A/C. If I know central A/C is right around the corner and I have $300 to spend, I'm getting a quad. :D

Exactly and my fan configurations have cost me about $100... so in the long run its cheaper than going A/C both for the unit and electricity used.

Not a window a/c unit but a portable unit that can be wheeled from room to room like this:

Portable A/C Unit

Now that is sexxxy. Once I get this condo under contract for purchase something like that would work great next year in these interim periods. Set it for 80F and if it hits that hot have it vent either to my bathroom exhaust portal or out the front door which has a 1 inch gap on the bottom and should allow a decent air flow out into the hall... LOL my building will love the fact that it is 100 in the hall... LOL... LMAO now that is just too funny!

I like the concept of being able to potentially close the closet door and eliminate 90% of the noise I have to take a reading someday, but I have so many fans in the computers alone that I'm thinking I'm at 40Db just from them.

There are 2 frys electronics one in tempe on Baseline & I-10 and one in Phoenix I-17 & Thunderbird.

Not going to get much better than Fry's in Arizona and it hasn't hit 100 yet so it shouldn't be too bad temp wiz.
Seconded. If you're there on a Friday, pick up a local paper--every Friday, Fry's puts a big ad in the paper. You'll find some ridiculous deals on CPU/motherboard combos. Unfortunately, they restrict those purchases to one per customer (in practice, this means one per individual credit card). However, if you have multiple means of payment, or can pay with cash, you can get multiples of the same deal.
I just checked the extended forecast for my area and it looks like it's going to cool down a bit this weekend. The boxen will definitely like that but I was liking the warmer temps. It looks like it might be a good thing that I haven't moved a bunch of my boxen yet. One night is supposed to get down to around freezing. My boxen won't have a problem keeping the temp around 70-75F in the room even without the heat on.

I do still have a couple single core boxen to get up and running WCG, though. Hopefully I'll get around to that this weekend as well as getting Windows installed on my mom's system and have it sit crunching on WCG until she gets back from England in a few weeks. Once I get that done it will bring the boxen count in my apartment up to 9.

I have to take a reading someday, but I have so many fans in the computers alone that I'm thinking I'm at 40Db just from them.

All those fans going at once in your condo must be making a terrible amount of noise!

Must sound like a aircraft taking off :D:p
I like the concept of being able to potentially close the closet door and eliminate 90% of the noise I have to take a reading someday, but I have so many fans in the computers alone that I'm thinking I'm at 40Db just from them.

Just be glad they're not screaming 60mm deltas.
I used to have 10 of them running just to keep my MP's cool.
The noise reduction when I went from SK-6 heatsinks to a SK-7 heatsinks with 80 mm fans was very noticable.

Luck ........... :D
Not a window a/c unit but a portable unit that can be wheeled from room to room like this:

Portable A/C Unit

I agree whole heartily, I've also got some weird size winders where my boxen are folding 24/7 (I think they're called casement winders ?), Anyhoo, I got a "portable" 6,000 btu AC and man I love it. (I have a winder unit in the living room, I live in a one bedroom apartment) I can control the temperature to my boxen without having to even turn on the winder unit or have to mess with vents in the case of central AC'ing.

I also believe like the previous poster, all the quads in tha' world will be unaffective if they've melted because of the ambient temperature

Just my humble opinions ;)

Just be glad they're not screaming 60mm deltas.
I used to have 10 of them running just to keep my MP's cool.
The noise reduction when I went from SK-6 heatsinks to a SK-7 heatsinks with 80 mm fans was very noticable.

Luck ........... :D

The Delta 60x60x38 8k RPM fans were the worst. I used one of them for a short period of time. I had the computer in the basement on one side of the house I lived in at the time and you could plainly hear the thing on the other end of the house one floor up. As I said, it was used for a very short period of time and the 7k Delta went back on. I also used Tornado fans for a while, a 92mm and an 80mm. Those things were nowhere near as annoying and I had no trouble running them. It actually took a couple weeks to get accustomed to the lack of noise when I pulled them out in favor of my old EXOS. I didn't sleep very well for a while because I kept thinking the computer wasn't running since I didn't have the steady drone of the fans.
