HDR on the Wii?!

Perhaps the Wii will have games with HDR, but that SS is not indictative of HDR.

Looks like bloom or some "overbright" effect, not HDR. If it was HDR, you'd expect the entire screen to be better contrasted.
I am sure the gpu in the wii (which was done by nvidia) has sm 3.0 which allows for hdr. Hell xbox had hdr games and it didn't even have sm 3.0 so why wouldn't the wii? HDR is software based but sm 3.0 allows it to be rendered faster.
Well I wouldn't consider it a big deal, I mean, Black on the xbox also has plenty of 'bloomy HDR' - definitely a good game, I think it came out on the Ps2 too..
psychoace said:
I am sure the gpu in the wii (which was done by nvidia) has sm 3.0 which allows for hdr. Hell xbox had hdr games and it didn't even have sm 3.0 so why wouldn't the wii? HDR is software based but sm 3.0 allows it to be rendered faster.
No the gpu was done by Ati, check it out here and scroll down to the last few lines under Graphics Processor Unit, or GPU.

psychoace said:
I am sure the gpu in the wii (which was done by nvidia) has sm 3.0 which allows for hdr. Hell xbox had hdr games and it didn't even have sm 3.0 so why wouldn't the wii? HDR is software based but sm 3.0 allows it to be rendered faster.

The XBox didn't have the shader capability nor sufficient video memory to do HDR, and neither will Wii. It's probably just bloom or overbright that you've seen on XBox.

The Wii's GPU isn't very different to the one in the Gamecube, just faster clocks and probably a few more pixel pipes. It was designed by ArtX who are now a part of ATI.
splinter cell 3 had hdr and sorry about the ati mix up. Eitherway there can be hdr without hardware support.
meatfestival said:
The Wii's GPU isn't very different to the one in the Gamecube, just faster clocks and probably a few more pixel pipes. It was designed by ArtX who are now a part of ATI.

Why do people keep saying this??!! ATI has said that the Hollywood was built from the ground up!
RancidWAnnaRIot said:
am i the only person that thinks those graphics look exactly like the gamecube???

Nope, though that could be due to the game starting it's life as a cube game and then moving over to the wii. If that is the story of the games life anyway :p
It looks nothing like HDR. And even if it *was* HDR (which I hope its not, HDR is overrated and imo a tacky looking effect), you wouldn't be able to tell from a single screenshot anyway, as the very definition of HDR is the game's darkness/brightness changing dynamically depending on the scene.
HDR isn't an effect; it's a completely different way of storing images and calculating lighting etc. It gives thousands of times more colour resolution, which requires lots of power and memory.
psychoace said:
I am sure the gpu in the wii (which was done by nvidia) has sm 3.0 which allows for hdr. Hell xbox had hdr games and it didn't even have sm 3.0 so why wouldn't the wii? HDR is software based but sm 3.0 allows it to be rendered faster.

Ati again not nvidia

Edit: sorry. kept reading afterwards and see the point was already beatin. apologies

And you said splintercell 3 had HDR on xbox when it didn't. That was only on the PC.
Liekomg said:
It looks nothing like HDR. And even if it *was* HDR (which I hope its not, HDR is overrated and imo a tacky looking effect), you wouldn't be able to tell from a single screenshot anyway, as the very definition of HDR is the game's darkness/brightness changing dynamically depending on the scene.

HDR done right is not a gimmick and looks amazing, however most developers have gone for a far overexaggerated effect which is when it looks tacky.