HDD for sale or trade

Is the 120gb WD JB drives lockable? I'm interested in modding my xbox and think this will work. I have feedback on other sites.
I have yet to find a WD drive that wasnt lockable but if the 120gig carries any of the following model numbers you should be able to lock it.

What kind of deal will you make me if I get all foru WD 120GB drives? email is chris[AT]thecrucible.ca Heat is under Dr578 (I sold you a waterblock a while ago actually). :)
«Dr578» said:
What kind of deal will you make me if I get all foru WD 120GB drives? email is chris[AT]thecrucible.ca Heat is under Dr578 (I sold you a waterblock a while ago actually). :)

pm sent
I'll take the 160gb hard drive, if you take Paypal. PM me if it's still available. Thanks!
are these used? OeM? Retail? Tell me tell me.... o_O I'm freaking out o_0

I don't get paid untill thruday so chances are I can't get in on it...just courious... ACK!!! Spelling (T_T)
The 160 and a 120 are retail, the others are OEM. If I have some thursday, we'll talk. ;)
sweet :p I'll check back then

word of caution though.. I work for UPS so I'm a little anal retentive when it comes to shipping companies...

but hey.. may not have to deal with that O_O but I hope we do... good prices o_O o_0
radeon 9000 pro 128mb or 32mb AIW radeon /w retail box and accessories???
YGPM back. I forgot to mention I also have some HW available for trade, depending on your interests. If you would rather do cash, we can do straight cash, or we can work out a trade+cash, just LMK what you might be lookin for.
Are the 120's RMAs, or have they been used? If they've been in use, then how long and in what kind of setup?