HD3850 replacement for HTPC


Jun 11, 2005
So, my Sapphire HD3850 has bit the dust. I'd like to replace it with something relatively cheap (<$100). Any suggestions?
if you game at all on it, go with a 5770, or a 5570 if you don't. If you want 3d movies later on wait for the rest of the AMD 6k series to come out.
Yeah, 5570 is probably your best bet for just movie playback and (very light) gaming. It has very low power consumption as well.
Well, I do fold on that machine and play portal and light games. I was thinking GT 430. Can you even get a 5770 for less than $100?
Get a GTS450 before getting a GT430...it's a really nice card for not much more. I use a 6850 in my HTPC, and before that a 5770, and before that a 4850 and before that a 3850.
Thanks for that. What about something powered only by PCI Express slot? Anything worth it at all? Thinking of smaller form factor.