HD to SSD, reinstall os a must?


Limp Gawd
Jun 7, 2004
OK so I have finally decided to get a SSD drive for my main system, see signature. I have patiently waited the tech to mature and capacities to increase. It would be nice if prices would have dropped more but oh well. I am getting the OCZ Vertex 2 240GB with the Sandforce 1200 controller, as it has been reviewed very well all around. So here is the question is there anyway to clone my raptor and not incur any performance penalty? My install is set for AHCI and clean. I have the latest Acronis True Image or Ghost. I have read so many different threads about partition alignment and secure erasing on SSD's that my head is spinning.
Use gparted to copy the partition over. Make sure the boot flag is set. That may work but I've never tried it with Windows, only Linux. Come to think of it, I had to reinstall grub on the new drive so maybe it won't work.
I think if you create the partition first in Windows 7 then copy the data over to that partition using a utility (not blowing the partition away) you should be able to maintain alignment. Then just change your optimization settings as you like (defrag etc)

But I have not done this myself, so YMMV.
You could do a backup to a WIM image via the built in backup then restore to the new drive.
I used the latest Acronis True Image to image my 12 month old vista 64 bit ultimate install from my old 200gb Hitachi drive to my 250GB Vertex SSD.

Booted first time perfectly, been running great since.