Haze Demo

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Jul 21, 2005
I keep hearing people talk about the new Haze demo but for the life of me I cant find the dann thing on psn, you guys heard anythig??
I truly hope im wrong but i get the feeling this game is gonna fall flat on its butt!
Yeah it doesn't really look like anything special, but you never know until you play it.
Man I hope this game doesn't fall flat on it's face. I have been waiting for a decent shooter for the PS3 at least one worth buying on the PS3 over the 360.
I just hope it has a good story. It seemed like it had something interesting. I mean most new FPS games didnt' bring anything truly innovating in at all (Halo3, Turok, Resistance:FoM anyone?). As long as it has a good story, and the gameplay isn't majorly broken, I'd bite. Haze looked decent and enough to keep me busy and interested for a while.
Care to elaborate? I think it looks good and FRD has a good track record. Don't see why it wouldn't be good?
Has anyone played the deom yet and have any real gameplay experience? I will download it tonight after I get off work.
I downloaded the PAL demo yesterday with my "UK" account. I must say I was pretty disappointed. The dialog was cheesy and immature and the gameplay seemed like nothing special. I hope in the final version you can at least adjust your look sensitivity. I coudn't figure out how to do that in the demo. Based on the demo I will not be pre-ordering this game and wait for some reviews to come out before I decide to purchase or not. Anyone else have any comments on the demo?

I'm trying to think of a positive way to spin "grammar faggot," and I've got nothing. Oh, well.

So, is this demo bad bad or just bad?
I'm trying to think of a positive way to spin "grammar faggot," and I've got nothing. Oh, well.

So, is this demo bad bad or just bad?

i just finished playing it, and i liked it. its hard to get a true sense of the game off a demo alone.
Playing the demo right now and so far it's okay. It seems pretty mediocre but I really like the aiming. I couldn't stand Turok and Resistance's aiming at all. This one is totally free and doesn't supplement you at all and I can actually aim instead of feeling confined and limited. The graphics are not very detailed on certain environmental objects, but the character models look pretty darn good. The controls are so far tight and not overly complicated. I guess I'll play more to see how the story turns out, or maybe I will just have to wait for the final game.

Pretty short single player campaign for the demo. I can't really get much from that other than the controls.. blah..
I played it last night. It wasn't bad or mediocre. But, it wasn't mind blowing awesomesauce either. I think it'll end up in the 'good, but not great' category. I'll probably rent it.
The trees looked funny to me. Like they were from a PS2 game.
correct spelling would help your cause.

Who here other than this guy actually cares?

We know what he means, the point was put across, what's the big deal?

If it bothers you so much, find a spell checker which corrects all the spelling on webpages before you read them or something, if you're going to try and correct the spelling of everyone on the internet one person at a time, it might prove easier.

I played it last night. It wasn't bad or mediocre. But, it wasn't mind blowing awesomesauce either. I think it'll end up in the 'good, but not great' category. I'll probably rent it.
The trees looked funny to me. Like they were from a PS2 game.

lol yeah. The logs that were broken and lying on the ground looked real bad. The water effects weren't anything special either. It did look good from afar though.
correct spelling would help your cause.

Please capitalize the first word in a sentence. It makes you look like a retard. Thanks :)

Anyways, I started the download last night. I should probably have time to play it tomorrow or late tonight.
Please capitalize the first word in a sentence. It makes you look like a retard. Thanks :)

Anyways, I started the download last night. I should probably have time to play it tomorrow or late tonight.

Actually no, Not using a capital letter in the first word of a sentence on the internet is not nearly as bad as using all caps while making a spelling error. Anyone who uses all caps is basically discredited. In my opinion anyway.
Actually no, Not using a capital letter in the first word of a sentence on the internet is not nearly as bad as using all caps while making a spelling error. Anyone who uses all caps is basically discredited. In my opinion anyway.

Oh...so you get to make the rules when it comes to grammar on the internet...Got ya. Oh wait, maybe it is because you feel like a douche now and are trying to make up for it.

P.S. You don't capitalize a word after a comma either. ;)

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Someone, oh please someone correct my grammar and spelling-- it gets me SO HOT!!
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