Having Major Trouble with IC7MAX3!!! please help


I guess, no one can help. I am having issue with the ABIT IC7-MAX3 board as well. I have written to ABIT’s tech support 6 times, with only one response from them. I did their suggestion; still have the same problem with no response from them sense.

My problems are with 2GB of memory and the SATA-5 and SATA-6 drive controller is making my drives click all the time.

I guess I’m going to have to go back to ASUS P4C800E-DX board for things to work again.

I wanted to use the board because of the good review that HARDOCP gave it and some features. But I guess it’s not so good after all. :(
i'm sorry to hear that you are having misfortunes too... and thank you for the response
Well xdbx, It looks like you can't get help here. :(

I just don't understand, if the ABIT board is suppose to be so good. Why ABIT tech support isn't helping. :confused:
i might have misread some of your post on the abit forum...sorry, i skimmed (i dont have a lot of time, but i want to provide some help)

what are your settings for the game acceleration under the....i think its the advanced chipset menu, but im not quite sure. if you keep these at the predefined settings, then overclock, then it causes huge stability issues. even with the best of ram. if i was on my computer, then i could tell you what i have mine set at, but alas, im away from my house.
try messing with that. it literally took me a whole day just messing with those setting and changing timings and voltages and stuff to get to where i am now.
also, you might try flashing the newest bios revision...if you havent already done that.

if you want to (it might be easier...and faster) you can get ahold of me on aim.

hope i helped you in some way, if not, sorry for wasting your time.