Have you seen this image?


Apr 8, 2002

I picked this picture up a while back and was wondering if anyone knew it's origin and if there are any more of the same type and at higher resolutions.
Please tell me that is not rendered! :eek:

It's just too slick to be a photo though! :(
The barrel of the rifle leads me to believe it's not a render, but I'm sure it's been worked over somehow.
Hmmm, well spotted Talon Blackrazor. I agree, VERY few 3d gfx gawds would
remember the fingerprints on the barrel. ;)
WOW, thanks for posting up my new desktop picture. (If you don't mind me using it that is) :cool:
Not at all, I certainly have no claim ot it. ;)

If I recall correctly, I pulled it out of a "Post your desktop thread" several months back.
Hrm the end of the barrel of the assault rifle, just before it gets to the scope looks a bit rendered to me, as does the assault rifle in general, especailly around the scope, magazine housing and also the radio.
Well if I may..........it seems as though those are airsoft guns and indeed not a render. If you refer yourself to

this thread: http://www.awbansunset.com/forums/viewthread.php?tid=2179

then you can see the conclusion we came to is that:

posted by Selectedmarksman on the awbsunset.com forums
"My guess is it's airsoft.

The stock is ZM weapons style, but ZM doesn't make anything but .223 themselves. I've seen 'fake' Knight Arms suppressors for Airsoft guns marked .45acp. It can't be a .45 carbine (I've had one) because they use m3 or uzi mags, not standard AR mags.

It can't be .458 socom because of the suppressor. Just because a suppressor is built for a .38 doesn't mean it can also handle a .308, or .300 win mag. I believe the extra pressure of a .458 going through a .45 acp suppressor would blow it up.

Also, if you look close, you'll see the receiver is marked for select fire. The .458 Socom, to my knowledge, is designed as a hard-hitting marksman round, not to be burst fired.

Finally, some of the parts that should be metal on both guns look a little plastic to me. Where did you find this pic? "

Lord Hyperion said:
I agree, VERY few 3d gfx gawds would
remember the fingerprints on the barrel.
Well I dunno about you but I treat my guns like gold and wipe every fingerprint off them before putting them back in the case. Fingerprints lead to rusting if not taken care of... But yeah its a nice touch if it were rendered...
I'm positive I've seen this on the cover of "Guns & Weapons for Law Enforcement" magazine. I just cant remember what issue. :rolleyes:
Oh come now cathode these people were having fun until the RenderGawd spoke! :D
looks like a render to me.

The knife is out of proportion and doesn't have a metallic look to it. Also, the second gun looks plasticky, specifically around the clip.

Finally, everything looks unnaturally perfect for a real pic.
Tawnos said:
looks like a render to me.

The knife is out of proportion and doesn't have a metallic look to it. Also, the second gun looks plasticky, specifically around the clip.

Finally, everything looks unnaturally perfect for a real pic.

i think we came to the conclusion that its airsoft...hence the plasticky look
The bit between the forgrip and the silencer on the assault rifle still looks rendered to me...
the nylon bag looks legit to me. I've never seen texture rendering that visceral.
K2Rage101 said:
the nylon bag looks legit to me. I've never seen texture rendering that visceral.

I feel like a 24-carat blockhead ... PLEASE help me K2Rage101! :D

vis·cer·al (adj.)
1. Relating to, situated in, or affecting the viscera.
2. Perceived in or as if in the viscera; profound: “The scientific approach to life is not really
appropriate to states of visceral anguish” (Anthony Burgess).
3. Instinctive: visceral needs.

vis·cer·a (pl.n.)
1. The soft internal organs of the body, especially those contained within the abdominal
and thoracic cavities.
2. The intestines.
3 : dealing with crude or elemental emotions : EARTHY <a visceral novel>

it basically means "so realistic you can feel it by sight"
Tawnos said:
3 : dealing with crude or elemental emotions : EARTHY <a visceral novel>

it basically means "so realistic you can feel it by sight"

Hmmm, OKAAY. :confused:

The etymology of visceral can be traced back the the Latin word viscera which is
the plural of viscus. Viscus means internal organs, bowels or entrails. So I would
guess that in the Burgess quote above, visceral anguish would equate to gut wrenching torment.

Hence the "3. Instinctive: visceral needs" or your "3: dealing with crude or elemental
emotions : EARTHY <a visceral novel>" would describe the base emotions i.e. those that
can be felt in your gut. However ... the nylon bag does very little for my gut ... perhaps
K2Rage101 intended to say that he has a gut feel of realism on the nylon bag!

Damn ... Digital Artwerk challenges us in weird and wonderful ways every day! ;)
Too bad it's the only really good one there.
Agreed. Not enough thought went into those pics. Also, who uses a 640x480 wallpaper anyway? Its too bad, because theres some nice firepower there.
Tawnos said:
3 : dealing with crude or elemental emotions : EARTHY <a visceral novel>

it basically means "so realistic you can feel it by sight"