Have I Been Pwned is Now Used by Governments to Check for Data Breaches


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
I discovered Have I Been Pwned last year and I found it to be a valuable resource to check my main email accounts to see if any have been compromised. Now it appears the UK and Australian governments think it's pretty valuable and they are using it to monitor their official domains. If it's good enough for them it should be good enough for us. Go check it out.

That governments should check the site's database for the presence of their own email addresses is perhaps not surprising -- it's used by just about every type of body imaginable. But now the mechanics have been opened up for these two governments.
Great.. my main account.. pwned.. my backup junk mail account.. free and sparkly clean..
Pretty much highlights the stupidity of using email addresses as account names for non email services.
I haven't looked at this at all, but it smells of the world's best phishing scam to me.
Also been using this for a few years. Its nice to know when something is found with my email. Worth signing up for, no need for the pay account.
Pretty much highlights the stupidity of using email addresses as account names for non email services.
It's why anything i use that has any sort of financial link to me get's it's own email, just takes 5 mins to set a new email and set it up with the rest of my stuff. Plus it makes it easy to see who is giving me spam.
8 breaches for my main account, explains the lame fishing attempts on my account.
I gave in and tried it. Apparently I'm good at knowing when to use a "junk" account because that's the only one that has been breached (but only once) out of nine accounts.
Funny thing is my top hit was a spam server. The others were accounts that I forgot I had: Adobe, and others like it.

If a spamsite is breached and my e-mail addy is leaked, should I be concerned :cool: :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL::D
13 for me plus a pastebin, and only 1 on my "junk/spam" account. Pretty sad that the sites I expect to be a problem aren't but the ones that shouldn't be are the ones that screw you over.