Hardest parking game )

Last level is hard until you find the correct gap in the pedestrians to get across, could only find 1 time in the pattern that you could make it. Of course I ended up hitting one of the cars when actually parking after making it across the first time, haha...
It's too short to be considered difficult...

After I developed the coordination to control the damned thing, it became easier... but not qualitatively easy.
I click start and it says I passed 2 levels then goes back to the main menu. This is the easiest game I've ever beat.
I like how everyone is suicidal. And yes I did it (even with my damned forwards key sticking)
I just beat it again in a matter of minutes, but I was already focused.

It looks like I retained that initial coordination I developed from playing it the first time.

Not a bad game though...

Edit: decided to park the truck backwards for every level... I've become quite fluid with this game.

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the 2nd to last level I accidentally pulled out right in front of the moving car, I just kept going and managed to get in the stall without hitting anything going full speed... but then when you try to make subtle movements you start drifting magically and I hit the curb when my wheels were going straight back :p