Happy Easter to everyone

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Happy Easter to you too...People usually put these off topic things in General Hardware...
happy easter!!

many people that trade never go to off topic!
Happy easter to all!!!!
Now I am going to eat my easter egg basket!!!!
I am suprised for how old I am my mom still does this.
Happy Easter all!

Cosmos, I have an Easter sale going.

Just kidding of course! :p
Originally posted by dahoseman
What are the specs and how much are you asking for this Happy Easter?

Yea. I aint paying more than .00001 of a cent. I better be happier than what cocain can make me!
What freq have you been able to run the Happy at ? If its more than 147 safe on air I may be interested... if your willing to split it up.

I may have some yuletide cheer laying around if your looking for trade.


Thanks for the gesture ! Happy easter to you all as well.
He's risen, and living in me, he could live in you if you let him, heck, if he can turn a person like me around than he can do anything. Happy Easter everyone!!!:)
Haha, my Passover overclocks so much better than your lame Easter. I'm at 3491 GHz stable/4326 GHz max.
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