Happy 20th Birthday to the Web!


Limp Gawd
Oct 25, 2007

We can all thank Mr.Lee for giving us the following, and more:
Gangnam Style, Friday, Justin Bieber;
angry cat, viruses, spam;
posting of naked pics of ex-girlfiends;
under-age porn and dating services which led to murder or rape resulting in multiple arrests;

eBay millionaires who sell defective items or Chinese made knock-offs;
Eastern European or Asian mail order brides;
chatting and sex texting which leads to cheating and divorces;
sharing of MP3s and movies leading to losses of revenue by artists, and fines for sharers;

election of an unqualified, inexperienced, 1 term senator from Illinois as president of the U.S.; too bad no one used the Web back in 1988 as Dukakis would've been elected.

losses of billions in the stock market from the dot.com bubble bursting;
embarrassed naked people caught by Google cams;
Twitter... oh, lord, save my soul from the devil incarnate.
celebs who rant, tweet, post, blog;
internet gambling;

people fired or not hired because of pics, posts, or other "offensive" Facebook content;
as for Facebook, please pray to whatever God(s) you worship for it to be shut down ASAP.