Halo Reach Beta...


Jul 27, 2005
Anybody start playing it yet? I'm working but was able to put it downloading (1.5GB in size). I think in about 2 hours I'll be playing.
I forgot to start the download this morning before work so I could have it ready when I got home :(
sigh i want in but didnt feel like buying ODST.. owell. :( sad panda
ODST is my favorite Halo game so far; the only thing I wasn't happy with, was the length.

I almost bought it online the other day for 40, but we have vacation coming up and I doubt I'd have enough time to play the beta much, anyway.
Can you still get in the Beta if I bought a copy of ODST now?

Not sure. The beta only became available a few hours ago, and all you do is put in and launch your Halo: ODST disk. Once in the game you get a message about the beta/preview being available and you can hit A to start downloading it. I imagine you could still get in, but don't quote me on that.
Wonder if u need the cd inserted to play once u download it etc.. i may just rent a copy of odst then and try it out and what not.. *shrug*
Once you download/install the beta there's a new menu choice, in ODST, to actually play the beta. So it looks like you do need the ODST disk, and have it in the drive, in order to play. Since Reach is on your hard drive though the disk isn't going to spin. I'm guessing like any other game install you just need the disk for verification.
In the previous beta of Halo 3 on Crackdown, you had to have the disc in to play.
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I've been playing it for a few days now, it actually made Halo enjoyable again.
Not sure. The beta only became available a few hours ago, and all you do is put in and launch your Halo: ODST disk. Once in the game you get a message about the beta/preview being available and you can hit A to start downloading it. I imagine you could still get in, but don't quote me on that.

I almost borrowed my buddy's disc last night to try it. He has ODST but doesn't play it anymore.
I want to play it, but no ODST And wasn't lucky enough to get a code from the sites taht gave them out :(.
Rented ODST after work, downloaded it and it plays just like Halo 3 IMHO. Nothing real special.
Rented ODST after work, downloaded it and it plays just like Halo 3 IMHO. Nothing real special.

How are you able to play? I haven't been able to get on it yet. It says the server(s) are currently unavailable. A friend of mine in a neighboring state is getting the same message.
I don't know- I got into a slayer match 15 minutes ago- it did take a long time for the playlist to come up though.
Yeah, I guess it plays like Halo 3....except there's no dual wielding, the battle rifle and a few other guns are non-existent, and the existence of loadouts to name a few differences.

But sure, it plays just like Halo 3.
I haven't played it yet but I'm stoked. I really like the changes they made and of course it's gonna play like Halo 3. Just like Halo 2 played like Halo 1. They all play the same but there's slight changes between the titles.
I more meant they really didn't improve the engine or graphics. Really looks and feels the same as Halo3- I know they slightly bumped up the resolution for Reach though. I'm just used to the COD and Unreal engine games that run at double the framerate- I was hoping they would have improved that for Reach. I just couldn't get into Halo3 because the framerate seemed so clunky compared to COD. I think Halo3 ran at 30fps compared to COD's 60fps.
no battle rifle? why'd they get rid of the best gun in Halo?
I just got done playing for over two hours and I had a lot of fun. I like the new additions and changes to the game, but I just wish we had another map or two to play right away. I didn't have any bad experiences, though in one match of stockpile it seemed like my other teammates had NO clue what to do. Two players got zero flags, one guy got 1, and then I got 6.

It was hard staying alive too, when some of your teammates are carrying a flag around not doing anything with it, Hahaha.
Yeah, I guess it plays like Halo 3....except there's no dual wielding, the battle rifle and a few other guns are non-existent, and the existence of loadouts to name a few differences.

But sure, it plays just like Halo 3.

actually there is dual wielding, but it is only on some play types. And yea you do lose a few weapons, you get some really cool upgrades and a new xp system and a few new game modes and a bunch of new maps. In my opinion, that more than makes up for a couple missing weapons.
actually there is dual wielding, but it is only on some play types. And yea you do lose a few weapons, you get some really cool upgrades and a new xp system and a few new game modes and a bunch of new maps. In my opinion, that more than makes up for a couple missing weapons.

Everywhere I read has said Reach has no form of dual wielding whatsoever, not even in multiplayer. I've read various reviews of the multiplayer beta, most of them saying that dual-wielding is totally nonexistent, as stated by Bungie before.
Best?That would be the halo 1 pistol. Which I believe is kinda back for reach?

Yea the pistol is back, and the battle rifle is in the game too.

I played last night for about 15-20 minutes and I had tons of fun, except I didnt' know what to do on Stockpile but other than that it was fun.
In regards to the pistol I haven't really used it much yet. Only when my main weapon ran out of ammo and I was in the middle of a fire-fight. I'm not even sure it lets you zoom in slightly, when using it. I hope it's just like, or very similar to the original pistol, since I really liked it in the first Halo.
Yeah, the pistol - while the same cosmetically and in function - doesn't seem to have the over powered punch that it did in the original.

Overall from the hour or so I played last night, I felt that the game definitely rewarded teamwork more than the previous titles did. I think this has to do with the map I was playing and the toned down weapons as well as the special functions that each class now have. I think the classes are a good addition. It still won't pull me away from TF2 for long, but it'll make playing with my non-pc gamer friends more tolerable.
Yea the pistol is back, and the battle rifle is in the game too.

I played last night for about 15-20 minutes and I had tons of fun, except I didnt' know what to do on Stockpile but other than that it was fun.

Actually the Battle Rifle is NOT in the game. I assume you are talking about the DMR (Designated Marksman Rifle) which is a single-shot weapon.

Overall the Beta is fun but there are definitely things that need to be tweaked. The grenades are incredibly powerful for one. Two, the Armor Lock ability needs to have a longer recharge time as well as the Evade for Elites.

I also don't care for the fact that you can block a sword with your melee now. The sword was always a power weapon and now it seems too easy to deter it. I think you should only be able to block a sword lunge with another sword. I heard someone say to think of it as a lightsaber. Only another lightsaber can stop a lightsaber's swing. That's essentially what it is, an energy sword.

The reticle bloom is sometimes difficult to get used to with certain weapons. Some people get so lucky while shooting it as fast as they can and kill you while you'll be doing the same and can never get the kill to finish off even though you're hitting them it would seem. You can call it lag or whatever but it just seems to happy too often.

Lastly, health packs should not require you to pick them up like a weapon. You should just have to run over them like picking up ammo or grenades.
damn kids, every copy of ODST is rented out at my local blockbuster. FFS!
I also don't care for the fact that you can block a sword with your melee now. The sword was always a power weapon and now it seems too easy to deter it. I think you should only be able to block a sword lunge with another sword. I heard someone say to think of it as a lightsaber. Only another lightsaber can stop a lightsaber's swing. That's essentially what it is, an energy sword.

I think your going to have to pick a new comparison as there are things that would stop a lightsaber, such as the amphistaff. I can't believe I know that but oh well.
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I think your going to have to pick a new comparison as there are things that would stop a lightsaber, such as the amphistaff. I can't believe I know that but oh well.
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Is it safe to assume your name is from the original Star Wars? "Red-5 standing by." :p

It wasn't my comparison for one. ;) Two, I'm not talking about the Yuuzhan Vong and all their crazy shenanigans. Like a snake that can stop an energy sword. Just ridiculous.

Either way, the sword is pointless now that you can block it SO easily with a melee.
Actually the Battle Rifle is NOT in the game. I assume you are talking about the DMR (Designated Marksman Rifle) which is a single-shot weapon.

Yea your right, I hadn't really used it until last night that I realized it was a completely different weapon. It's fun for headshots, but I do wish the battle rifle were around.

I dont know if its just me or if the game is like this but when using the Needle Rifle, when I zoom in, the rifle just gets out of zooming very quickly, like its very sensative to movement from the sticks and it makes it zoom out. Maybe its my controller, but just wondering because it doesn't happen with the DMR.
Honestly, I am disappointed by Reach. It plays nothing like the older Halo games. Ret bloom, classes, even level design is different.
Is it safe to assume your name is from the original Star Wars? "Red-5 standing by." :p

It sure would seem that way with me knowing random facts like that but it took a few years for someone to even point that out to me about the Star Wars reference. I got the name from my Quake 1 days.
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Played about 5 rounds of it last night, and I'm gonna have to play some more to really feel like I have a grasp on it to comment. I did like that the player character moves faster. It's different enough to throw me off, but I'm still just undecided...

I don't have a handle on when to melee after shooting someone enough

Grenades go different distances

haven't seen a health pack yet

Don't want to play "Powerhouse" anymore really. It seems to throw that map up over and over and over...

Hate hearing Halo players talk shit, thank god for parties.