HAHA (doh!) ATI & Nvidia on the way o.O;

I say keep one X800 and one 6800. When the X800 is the flavor of the month swap it into your system and when the 6800 is Flavor of the month swap it into your system. That way you'll never have the inferior system. And if the wife asks just tell her your doing/did maintence, but if your wife knows the diff and can tell, theN it would sound like you married a woman who knows somthing about computers, in which case you are blessed and cursed :D
SelRahc said:
Good idea. I'm working on matching systems for the wifey and I. (lemee hear the awws and cooos.... I know it's SO romantic hehe. Of corse she hasn't seen the CC bill yet hehe)

LOL, I can see an arguement coming.
what are the specs on these twin systems?
DVD burners, you might look at the NEC 3500A and the Pioneer A08

Ahh the build. Here is what I have lined up so far:

Case: Coolermaster CMStackers w/ window
CPU: AMD Athlon 64 FX-53 939's
Video: The great video cards
Motherboard: MSI K8N Neo 2 Plats or Abit Av8 3rd eye mb.
I ordered 2 of each due to the problems people have been having eith them.
I will sell the ones i dont use. Hope to keep the MSI's though.
Hard Drive: WD Raptor 74gb sata for system, WD 250gb sata's for the rest
Optical Drives: I was looking at the Lite-ons based on several reviews, but still undecided
Memory: Very undecided. Still investigating.
Sound: Creative A2 ZS Plat (front bay)
Cooling: Watercooling after stock stable. Still investigating but im liking the Aqua setup.
PSU: Probably Neopower but still undecided.

I think thats everything... what do you think? ^_^
Mwarhead said:
LOL, I can see an arguement coming.

It would, but i bribed her with a new computer hehe. So its a stale mate ^_^

I really don't think changing out later will b a big issue. I just promissed her id make them both equal. Up until now ive just given her my system when i upgrade. She's alot smarter now and that just won't cut it anymore lol.

Its more of a blessing really. Its nice having someone to play UT2k4 with in the house. Any time we have an arguement we settle it with a few rounds of death match. That usually solves the problem. Tell me thats not a perfect marriage :D Sometimes flawed but it works out well hehe.
Pics are very nice, you are probably the only person besides maybe Kyle that has 2 each of those cards sitting in their house...... ;)
2 more goodies came in today. Heres a pic of 1 of the boxes:


Looks like both boxes made it in good condition. I've never had good luck with cases and the mail. Hope that is the case when i open them later tonight to check.
Another day, another shipment:


Ballistix PC4000 512mb x 4. 1gb per system for now.

And with that all shipments have stopped >.< I have 3 or 4 packages scheduled for friday delivery that won't come now... cause of frances.

This just in from the Weather Channel:


ROFLMAO! :D Let us know how well you survive Francis and your wife! And erm,which one does the bigger damage!
Still a nice collection though :) Is that a sony trini I see? I love sony trini's. Too bad they dont sell them directly anymore. :( I love my 19" Sony Trinitron. :D

Id be building my darn systems sometime next week if it wasnt for this hurricane. Watch it will be another 10 fricken days without power.... :mad:
if you are going to be watercooling the x800xt are much much easier to watercool.

the 6800 has yet another new socket over the fx's plus with the x800xt you get vivo!

dont get me wrong i bought a 6800gt and watercooled it. 350- 430/ is pretty easy to hit. and thats a pretty health overclock. nearly 25%
i wanted ps3.0 . i upgrade my vid card ever year. but i always pass the card down the food chain to friends or my wifes computer.

in 2 years ps3.0 will still be the top dog still because dx 10 wont hit until longhorn sometime in 2006 plus another 6-12months for game release.

so i a 6800gt will be current tech for almost 3 years. thats rare in a vid card.
you should make those fast cards like these:
Both cards are flame thrower, especially if oc'd.
SelRahc -

WHY do you and your wife need identical top-end computers? Are you both hardcore gamers? Both egomaniacs?
i think you should sell one PE and put the other in her system, and then secretly buy an n-force 4 and run the 6800's in SLI and then just pretend that their the same speed and don't let her use it.
Hehe. This thread got revived form the dead?

The systems are near identical for a few reasons. The first was so she couldnt say I had a better system than her anymore. I had always given her handdowns. Not this time hehe. I actually gave her an option on cases and she wanted the same one i choose. Who was I to say no? It's also nice cause next year ill do a another build, and the stackers will make great server cases hehe. The other parts I just tried to use the best.

The end setup is alittle different though. I'm using the x800xtpe and my wife is using the 6800u. I'll be water cooling everything once it all gets in too. Thats whats holding my work log up >.<;;; I cant mod or WC until it all gets in. Its almost here though. The link is in my post b4 this one if you want more info.

And unfortunately I cant SLI since they are agp. ;; Thats ok though. No overclocking or tweaking whatsoever, and here is my first x800xtpe 3dmark03 run score hehe ;) I'll tweak and oc onve the watercooling comes in. Everything is stock for the moment.

12544 3DMarks