[H]ard|Gaming BC2 Server info/discussion


[H]F Junkie
May 4, 2006

Currently the server is running "softcore" ranked on Conquest. with the these maps:
Heavy Metal
Atacma Desert
Laguna Presa

I would like feedback on the maps and game mode.
Should we run Rush as well or just plain Conquest? Don't see a map that you like say it!

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Fixed the gameME stats, so that's up and working.

Do we want vent added to gameME as well, or no?
Fixed the gameME stats, so that's up and working.

Do we want vent added to gameME as well, or no?
Yes you can.

Speex on vent eh? icky :p
Changed to GSM


Whenever I see the final website, I can make the template for the stats.

(Also, whoever owns the domain should change the CNAME so we can use our domain)

I am in the server right now, am going to idle

We appreciate it.
currently a nice amount of players. :)

Irishllama can you help me find a way to turn off gameme message that pops up once in a while in the middle of the screen?
Was working? You mean wasn't. :p

I noticed a few things that I needed to change. since the rounds are long I will make it 2 rounds not 3 and vehicles took very long to respawn.

I also want to thank everyone that came in tonight. Please share your feedback. :)
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ya like you said earlier... I would either cut down the ticket count or do a 2 round max on a map.
I think we should also run Rush. Its more fun to mix it up between rush and conq
I personally like this. but I would like the community to decide.

I'd be all over this if it were running hardcore mode.
Sadly most people here want softcore.

ya like you said earlier... I would either cut down the ticket count or do a 2 round max on a map.

Its been fixed for 2 rounds. 2 long rounds > 3 short rounds.
nice. gonna reinstall BC2 for some [H] gaming!! hope this is a "west" server.....
Man. Talk about bad timing for me. I took a hiatus from BC2 over the weekend to take care of stuff and the server comes online. Too bad it's "regular" or I would have more incentive to play again.
ill try to make it in over the weekend. i am to bfbc2 noob so go easy on me!!!
I plan on buying BC2 for my PC after I get the money for selling my ipod. I'll be on there all the time once I get it installed.
Server is dead every time I check it. What time do most of you play on it? I like soft core conquest.
whos hosting the server? Also we should maybe make a few nights a week we all game. Thursday night would be fun for some [h]ard bc2

Thanks to you guys for putting up the server!
the guys I play with only play rush non-hardcore. Hardcore sucks w/o spotting and with all the 1-shot sniper kills. (and while i usually like friendly fire to be on in most games, it's impossible to repair a tank w/o getting run-over in hardcore mode.)

We'd be happy to help populate it if it was mixed mode or rush only. Usually there are 4-6 of us a few nights a week.
the guys I play with only play rush non-hardcore. Hardcore sucks w/o spotting and with all the 1-shot sniper kills. (and while i usually like friendly fire to be on in most games, it's impossible to repair a tank w/o getting run-over in hardcore mode.)

We'd be happy to help populate it if it was mixed mode or rush only. Usually there are 4-6 of us a few nights a week.

same with my group, i just let Loco know about this
I am on it right now. Just 1/32, im trying to help populate it.

My in game name is

Ruskaya|Zaraza (I have a sniper sign in between the two)
Awesome to see this server being put up. I'm still new to BC2, but I'm ready to jump on tonight for a fraggin' good time.
Awesome to see this server for [H]. I do not have BC2 for PC but I will be curious how this works out as I am thinking of doing a server for BF3.

It seems though that you all are facing the same problems I am concerned about. Populating the server....you have to have enough regulars to get the numbers up to attract the randoms browsing for good games.

I will follow this, heck I might even buy BC2 for PC so I can join in. Just don't own me too much.
Man, I've been meaning to log on since the server started up, but work is a pain and usually just zone out when I get home. lol
I am a fan of Port Valdez and Panama Canal conquest. I really enjoy any maps that have attack helos like the apache. having vehicle maps alternate with non-vehicle maps is great.