[H]ard|DCer of the Month - February 2009 - Nominations

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[H]ard|DCer of the Year 2008
Oct 12, 2004
It's now time to get a new worthy dc'er so here's the new nomination thread. If you need to know the rules for nominations and polls for the HDCotM, you can check the [H]orde [H]all of fame and rules thread. This thread include the full rules and the full list of past winners with links to interviews.

Let's see lots of nominations, we want some heated competition once more :cool:

I hereby nominate Zero82z. Although he doesn't fold with us directly, he's been a very active member of the forum and is very knowledgeable with all things DC. He unselfishly tries to help whenever he can.
I would like to nominate capreppy, for pledging to put a whole lot of resources toward a bunch of new uber-boxen :D. It takes a lot of guts to put forward the kind of cash he's planning to spend just for the purpose of more D.
i nominate my self because im a self center arse hat.. :p lol jk i dont but ive been wanting to say that in a nomination thread for a very long time :p
i nominate my self because im a self center arse hat.. :p lol jk i dont but ive been wanting to say that in a nomination thread for a very long time :p
Nah, you need to get someone else to nominate you for being a self-centered arse hat :D.
I'm nominating [H]ugh_Freak. A long time folder who's quick with solid answers and advice, and incredibly patient with new folders. It's time he gets some recognition.
Can I de-nominate myself?.. I want no recognition nor do I wish to do an interview at any time either. ... but thanks for the thought alan.. now where's the News thread?
[H]ugh_Freak;1033677602 said:
Can I de-nominate myself?.. I want no recognition nor do I wish to do an interview at any time either. ... but thanks for the thought alan.. now where's the News thread?
I think the very fact that you don't want any recognition means that you deserve it even more :).
I'm finally Gawd after 5.8 years.. please don't take that tittle away from me :D
[H]ugh_Freak;1033677602 said:
now where's the News thread?

My wife's grandfather died this morning after a stroke late last week. With everything happening this weekend, I completely forgot. So I have to declare it canceled for this week.

But if anyone must sue, have your people get in touch with my people, and we'll get something scheduled. :D
My wife's grandfather died this morning after a stroke late last week.
I'm very sorry to hear that Alan. Please give your wife and family our regards.
Thats enough news for me for the week so don't sweat it.
Sorry to hear this so don't sweat too much for the news, we can get by for one week.

All my condolences to you and your family ;)
Holy shite brother alan2308 :eek: I wish the best for you and your family. A very heartfelt condolence for you and your wife. It's completely understandable that you'd forget the news thread, that's the way RL is ;)
I promise not to sue on this one, it's undoubtably a good reason to forget the [H]orde news thread. I heard W. Cronkite had a similar RL tramatic occurance and missed a few deadlines himself :D
Just don't let any minor stuff like earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and tornados stop you in the future (just tryin' to lighten up the mood) ;)

Speaking of "better halfs". I'd like to second the motion on the capreppy nomination 'cause not only is he a dedicated DCer, but he has the full support from his wife like brother Kendrak and other "hitched" members. Some "unhitched" members have significant others support also (I know, "hitched" is kinda' old school :()

DCing for the CURE
My wife's grandfather died this morning after a stroke late last week. With everything happening this weekend, I completely forgot. So I have to declare it canceled for this week.
That's extremely sad to hear. My condolences to you and your wife.
Thanks for the kind words everyone. As bad as it was, its surprisingly easy to just be thankful it was quick and he didn't spend a lot of time suffering.

And to get this back on track, since my original nomination declined the nomination, I'll second the nomination for Zero82z. Can I say nomination a few more times? Nomination, nomination. :D
My condolences to you and your family, alan. I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. And thanks for the nomination :).
If I can, I'll put EvilAlchemist up, since I think he is eligible again :)
If I can, I'll put EvilAlchemist up, since I think he is eligible again :)
EA would be a worthy candidate indeed. However, I'm confused on if he would be eligible this month or next month? Rules state one full year since wining the last time. If I interpret this correctly, he won in Feb. 2008 so it would not be a full year until closer to the end of this month when voting concludes.
He do qualify. When we talk about a full year, it's 12 months and this end with january 2009. Think of anniversaries and how this happen on the same date each year.

EA nomination is fine so it will be in the poll ;)
So 12 mos. from getting nominated and winning not 12 mos. from taking "office". Gotcha, I'll crawl back in my cave then.
I hereby nominate Zero82z. Although he doesn't fold with us directly, he's been a very active member of the forum and is very knowledgeable with all things DC. He unselfishly tries to help whenever he can.
I second the nomination. :)
Well, I already nominated lassiterb before the forum crash, but here goes again - Lassiterb, for a huge ramp, and friendly competition, in the name of science and useful research.
I'm supposed to close that but dunno what to do since one week worth of post got deleted, including a few nominations. What should I do ?
I'm supposed to close that but dunno what to do since one week worth of post got deleted, including a few nominations. What should I do ?

I would vote for leaving it up at least one extra day so anyone who had a nomination get lost has a chance to get it back in.
Yeah, I agree... I'll leave this until tomorrow so if someone see a lost nomination, post it asap before time is up.
yes... although February is a short month... I would let the nomination phase last a little longer than normal... a few extra days.
I renominate styx0r

Because he's trying very hard to keep up with my PPD. Go styx0r!

hope this one isn't too late, it got lost in the rollback.
Deadline will be set tomorrow since today, I will be too busy outside...
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