Guys I am in a dilema!


Limp Gawd
Jun 5, 2012
As you might have known from the title I am confused right now which option to choose. Presumably I can go down two routes.

1.) Since I have a H77 Mobo that I bought without knowledge that it doesn`t overclock,I can buy a new Z77 mobo that does OC my 2500k to alleviate any bottlenecks on my 680 which I am experiencing by the way on newest titles like Crysis 3 and Tomb Raider. I believe this will continue to happen as more games will continue to be optimized for multi core CPU`s and Hyperthreading. Also with the PS4 having a multi core AMD CPU in it we can expect ported games to use more CPU on the PC side.

2.) I can buy an Ivy Bridge I7 specifically a 3770k and get a new mobo later on when I save some for it.

What do you guys think would be the best bet at the moment, I can only afford to go one way at the moment. Please help!.
if you have a K series CPU you can get a stock volt overclock just by adjusting the multi
btw the issues with Crysis and Tomb raider you are experiencing are more likely to be GPU bound than CPU. I have 680s in SLI and an overclocked i7 and I still cant get a solid 60fps+ all the time in those two games at ultra settings
Not sure if you are CPU limited.

Tomb said to have performance issues with Nvidia.

Crysis 3 has performance issues with everything.
All my four cores hit 95%+ usage in Crysis 3 tanking my 680, I sometimes get horrible usage like 40-50% when the CPU is at max usage, does that sound like a CPU bottleneck?. From what I read that is a bottleneck on the CPU side as my GPU is not being utilized fully. This thing happens only when I set Objects Quality on Crysis 3 anything higher than Medium. I have all the other settings at VH and SMAA 2x and VH textures. If I decrease the Object quality to Medium, I instantaneously get 60 fps most of the time. Anybody else experience this issue?. Anyway wont a non OC`d CPU hold back a 680 in modern games that use more CPU power?.
A 2500K even at stock clocks and paired with a 680 should blaze through just about anything on a single 1080p monitor. As others have said, the issues you are experiencing are GPU driver / game coding problems with the specific games you mentioned.

What other demanding games do you play and have you noticed any similar system behavior with those?
I think I would get a Z77 board so that I could overclock in the future but I agree with the others this most likely isnt an issue of being bound by the processor.
What other demanding games do you play and have you noticed any similar system behavior with those?

I have seen my GPU tank in the Witcher 2 without Ubersampling. I am supposed to get a steady 60 fps but my gpu usage is so low in that game that my fps is only 40 on avg. Metro 2033 was awesome on my rig with the Avanced DOF OFF, I almost always maintained 60 fps in game. I also think that a stock 2500k will in no way bottleneck a 680 but anybody else thinks there is still room for performance if I overclock the CPU or will I see the exact same numbers in both CPU and GPU bound games even when I OC my CPU to say 4.8Ghz?, Moreover I cannot get my Vengeance to run at full 1600Mhz speed with the board I am having right now, I only get 1333 even when I set the memory profile to XMP. Even if I bump my cpu`s BCLK to 102 or 103 I get the mem OK led RED and it wont POST.
If you want to test if you have a CPU bottleneck, try locking the CPU at a lower/higher multiplier and see if you get a drop in framerates that correspond to the drop in multiplier.

I'm guessing the H77 board has some multiplier control, but does not allow going beyond the max. turbo multiplier.
I have seen my GPU tank in the Witcher 2 without Ubersampling. I am supposed to get a steady 60 fps but my gpu usage is so low in that game that my fps is only 40 on avg. . I also think that a stock 2500k will in no way bottleneck a 680 but anybody else thinks there is still room for performance

CPU bottleneck is extremely easy to see

Open up Task Manager,-performance tab, then launch whatever game you are testing and play for a little while.If you think you saw a slowdown alt/tab out, are any of the CPU cores maxed recently?. Keep alt tabbing out now and a again to get a feel. Its not 100% full-proof but very close without going into details.
I'd go with the 3770k. That chip will provide plenty of power for the next couple years at stock settings (not to mention on stock voltage you can likely get ~4.2Ghz out of it). By the time it's slowing down you might just want to upgrade to the next gen or you can probably pick up a z77 motherboard for cheap.