Guys give up... BTC was killed by the Baking Cartel - And probably so was a CEO


[H]F Junkie
Dec 18, 2010
I don't know if many of you will agree because of your absolutely blind dedication to the concept of bitcoin and because of that dedication there will be better things yet to come but in the meantime I truly believe that the international banking mafia such as FED, IMF, Bank of England, you name it ... are completely eradicating it.

It is a direct threat to the power, profit, fee charging, and laundering operations of governments and banking cartels.

so with out further adieu..
we can't know what was happen
but i dont want to believe it was suicide
I don't know if many of you will agree because of your absolutely blind dedication to the concept of bitcoin and because of that dedication there will be better things yet to come but in the meantime I truly believe that the international banking mafia such as FED, IMF, Bank of England, you name it ... are completely eradicating it.

It is a direct threat to the power, profit, fee charging, and laundering operations of governments and banking cartels.

so with out further adieu..

LOL.......spooks are out
What's that got to do with Bitcoin? People kill themselves everyday. That's why we have crisis hotlines in America.
The baking cartel?

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...a lot of top bankers have been killing themselves lately...

Maybe these people finally learned how to do math.

Taken just a few minutes ago before this post was submitted.

When you consider that the value of BTC is $639 for a cryptocurrency that promises security and transparency, is decentralized, and is wholly unregulated and out of the control of governments and financial institutions but is also not backed up by any official government-based banking insurance such as the FDIC, there will be at minimum two kinds of people behind cryptocurrency:

  1. Those who participate in it actively-- trading, buying and selling it as a real commodity therefore placing a monetary value and worth behind it because they possibly see potential, value and a future out of a digital currency that is not controlled by the hands of the banking elite but by the hands of individual users.
  2. And, those who fear change, nothing more.
Consider this very simple video explaining Bitcoin, but can be applied to generally any other cryptocurrency:

What banks and the government do normally to fiat currency like dollars and Yen is regulate it, attach various fees, rules and ways to be sure your money is not only secure but is both in your hands and not. With cryptocurrency, you are both the mint, the banker, and the customer all at the same time. Every cryptocurrency has a maximum amount that will ever be created in its lifetime. Bitcoin has 21 million BTC, for example, and Litecoin at 84 million LTC that can ever be created. With fiat money, an organization like the Federal Reserve can order more or less money to be printed thus affecting the rate of inflation and the value of the dollar at the same time.

My favorite and one of the best economic teachers I've had in college said it bluntly to us one day:
"The dollar bill you have in your wallet is nothing more than an 'I O U' letter...

It is basically the government telling you that they owe you $1 for every bill you carry in your wallet."
With Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency, you as the person mining it knows the value behind every BTC and other x-TC digital currency out there. We see its face value and how much people are willing to pay for, buy, and trade for it on exchanges like Coinbase, Vault of Satoshi and other places set up for the exchange from one crytpo to another, or from one crypto to fiat money. Fiat money is similar and different but we see its value tied up with various forms of minerals such as gold, silver, or other commodities; stocks and bonds; and other properties that regulate and fluctuate various world economies. Monetary policies in the US currently regulate and give value to the dollar, and is a flat currency-- its exchange rate and interest rates, liquidity, and supply are wholly regulated by a single entity or multiple entities within a government.

If we don our conspiracy theory hats and considering all that said, then we have to consider that those in the second group above will do anything to destroy those in the first.


It is not just human nature, it is a large part of human history. And, moreso, when you consider that money is involved-- actual fiat money like dollar and cents. When you take control out of an authority figure like a bank or government, then you have to consider that they will do anything and everything to return control to them. When the people are in control, and in control of something they can't regulate themselves or manipulate, then they will fear it. We see this not just in money, but in the various turmoils going around the world currently-- Venezuela, Syria, Ukraine, many parts of the Middle East and government uprisings and government suppression of its own people.

When one fears change or fears something that dares challenge their position as an authority figure, then someone or a group of individuals will do anything they can in their power to suppress those they cannot control.

Again, that is both human nature and human history dictating it.

Have people been killed because of change? Because someone or a group of individuals dared challenged their authority?

Yes. So many people have died because of that one word that has become both the definition of hope and fear at the same time-- change.

Was this CEO in some way feared by her customers or feared by the people in authority that did not want change? We will probably not know until the toxicology results are in and a full investigation behind her death is revealed.

Will the former CEO of Mt.Gox fall under this same situation? Likely, but I would say he has more to fear of those who blindly trusted their money to him.

I have as much interest in cryptocurrency because I see a potential future in it. Call me a science-fiction nut because of this, and not someone that sees dollars and getting rich from it. As i said in another post here on [H], when you consider that when you take one crytpocurrency like Bitcoin or Litecoin, its value is the same in another country. If you do this to the dollar and take it to Japan or China, its value changes depending on the market, the bank, and government behind the foreign currency. For example, the US dollar and its value in the Philippine Peso fluctuates between P42 to P52 (highest I've seen) per $1 USD at various exchange rates. So, my dollar I carry in my wallet can equal any sort of amount in that country. With crytpocurrency, if I take 1 BTC in my digital wallet to another country, I know that its value will still be $639 in that country. To me, I see that as a future where we can rid ourselves of silly exchange rates. We see money similar to cryptocurrency used in various computer games such as "Shadowrun" and in science fiction movies. One digital currency can be used in one country and used another with its value remaining, in large part, the same with no need for an exchange rate unless going to a fiat money. In other words, it's universal.

It is, to me, the fear of this change that both governments and banks are afraid of. It goes against US monetary policy, and how money is created and controlled by them, and this can be applied to any other banking or government entity that are in control of fiat currency of their country.

So, we will see people get in trouble, their money disappear, and very likely, people will disappear because of those who fear it. Again, if you don your conspiracy hats, this could be the very beginning of a trend we see in the months and years to come until cryptocurrency either A) disappears so those who fear it do not have to deal with it; or B) they find some way to control it themselves.
The Baking Cartel will eventually own every yeast strain and use them to control every doughnut and hot cross bun on earth.

Meet your new Overlords.

first thing I thought.. I dont trust foxnews one bit

At least it wasn't CNN.
Wait, Keebler, right? Had to be those evil little elves. I knew they were up to no good. They didn't fool me with their cute and innocent act.
The reason bitcoin prices go up with bad news is because the paranoid get even more paranoid with this kind of news and mine harder to stick it to the man even more...and the circle jerk is complete.
Sources say this man is the kingpin of the baking cartel...

eh -- supposedly there were signs she wasn't happy or in a good place mentally.

Let's say your crackpot theory is right and they did off her... you know what that means? it means they are scared because there is some real power behind bitcoin. If it REALLY was just some play monopoly money that's nothing but a joke and would never amount to anything, would "they" kill someone over it?

I'm a huge fan of BTC, been in and around it for a while, and honestly I've never heard of this woman before today, so IF "they" were behind the killing, they really really suck at picking targets.

I'd love to see it get back to 1200 and beyond - if it crashes to 10 dollars tomorrow I wouldn't be too upset, because I didn't put in anything I couldn't afford to lose. This is like the wild west version of an irrational and crazy dr. suess version of the stock market.
Laugh all you want especially over a cell phone typo. If you refuse to see patterns of reality in life then you are just another idiot waiting to be chumped. There are people that have agendas and many of you are included as the fodder in that agenda. All I am doing is telling how the MASS attack on bitcoin is going full strength and I am supporting the ongoing cause of bit coin and all you people do here is troll and make fun of someone sharing news and opinion.

I figure you will all laugh until all of this comes to pass. I have been finding it hard lately to continue on this forum as a member of several years. Kyle you guys are awesome but your community here is just making it an awful place to try to participate on. I am also betting that I will get flamed for calling it out how I am sure so many others see it as well.
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LOL. You guys, thanks for giving me a good laugh. Hide yo kids, hide yo wife and hide yo ingredients, THE BAKING CARTEL IS COMING!!! :D
I've got about 850,000 bitcoins for sale, any takers?
All I am doing is telling how the MASS attack on bitcoin is going full strength and I am supporting the ongoing cause of bit coin and all you people do here is troll and make fun of someone sharing news and opinion.

Bullshit! It's just another troll post like every other troll post you've made in this forum.
I don't know if many of you will agree because of your absolutely blind dedication to the concept of bitcoin and because of that dedication there will be better things yet to come but in the meantime I truly believe that the international banking mafia such as FED, IMF, Bank of England, you name it ... are completely eradicating it.

It is a direct threat to the power, profit, fee charging, and laundering operations of governments and banking cartels.

so with out further adieu..

Too much Alex Jones
Laugh all you want especially over a cell phone typo. If you refuse to see patterns of reality in life then you are just another idiot waiting to be chumped. There are people that have agendas and many of you are included as the fodder in that agenda. All I am doing is telling how the MASS attack on bitcoin is going full strength and I am supporting the ongoing cause of bit coin and all you people do here is troll and make fun of someone sharing news and opinion.

I figure you will all laugh until all of this comes to pass. I have been finding it hard lately to continue on this forum as a member of several years. Kyle you guys are awesome but your community here is just making it an awful place to try to participate on. I am also betting that I will get flamed for calling it out how I am sure so many others see it as well.

Tinfoil is on aisle 9.
Just wanted to let you all know i started mining aurora coin on feb 5th for the first 2 weeks i generated 22 coins they shot up to .17 btc per aur which would have netted me 1900 dollars in bitcoin. I chose not to sell thinking that it might go higher it dropped to .03 about 20 usd per aur. Last night it shot back up to .057 i sold about half my coins for .81 bit coin roughly equaling 504 usd. I then used my bit coin to buy a xfx 280x at 449 on tiger direct to do more mining with.

made coin
could have made bank
ended up making 500 with half of my stash
bought a r9 280x for 449 (.798 btc)

yeah bit coin sure is dead...
Laugh all you want especially over a cell phone typo. If you refuse to see patterns of reality in life then you are just another idiot waiting to be chumped. There are people that have agendas and many of you are included as the fodder in that agenda. All I am doing is telling how the MASS attack on bitcoin is going full strength and I am supporting the ongoing cause of bit coin and all you people do here is troll and make fun of someone sharing news and opinion.

I figure you will all laugh until all of this comes to pass. I have been finding it hard lately to continue on this forum as a member of several years. Kyle you guys are awesome but your community here is just making it an awful place to try to participate on. I am also betting that I will get flamed for calling it out how I am sure so many others see it as well.

You seem to think that you are a prophet. You are not. You ain't saying anything new.

The Money Masters

If you really want your head to fall off of your shoulders, see if you can watch this ( volumes 1, 2 and 3 or all together on a DVD ):
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